[center][h3]Wenyr[/h3][/center] The moisture suspended in the air hovering above the hot spring water made it diffiult to see any further than Wenyr's big hand could reach, but another method of propagating information proved to work rather well as the waves caused by Pleiades' involuntary splash dive reached the blacksmith. The unexpected commotion in the water almost made him spill the wine still left in his glass. A solid liquor much too tasteful to let it fall victim to such an event without remorse, but still not nearly pleasureable enough to completely distract its consumer from what was going on around him. [color=yellow]"Be careful! The pool's not very deep!"[/color] he shouted out into the haze, hoping that whoever had decided to go in so flamboyantly had been wise enough not to do so head first. The noise from the waves hitting the wall and enduring a mix of sploshing over and reflection cancelled out his chances to hear any of the words spoken, but a scream would have overpowered this acousting shielding he deemed. So... nobody was hurt apparently. Little did Wenyr know about the enemy approaching him from below. A lot of things tended to be more soluble in very warm water than in cold water and the silent attack onto the contents of Pleiades' pockets had already begun. The man's own actions had also contributed to some tiny chunks directly falling into the water and now following the almost unnoticeable current towards the spring's drain. Wenyr sat in this stream, he could see the foreign bodies drift along almost next to him, and his relaxation that had just started regenerating was disrupted yet again by the sight of this unidentified debris. He had never held any opium in his hand before, let alone wet and disintegrating opium, and thus had no idea just how genius his decision not to taste, but only to inhale the smell of this piece of dirt actually was. Couldn't people at least remove the roughest shit of their skin before going into the pool ? What if this now increasingly soft, goo-y stuff in reality was some kind of bird poop or the like ? The blacksmith was quite disgusted and heaved his not so tall, but all the more broad self out of the water in an instant. Having wrapped a large piece of cloth about himself, he took a slightly angered stroll around the water's edge in order to investigate. Soon, Pleiades and Lena came into his blurred sight. [color=yellow]"Hello! Did you notice that some significant dirt is..."[/color] Wait! What ? He spotted what looked like an odd discoloration on a rock first, then couldn't help but find it to be some substance with an eerie similarity to what he had just picked from the water. [color=yellow]"Is this yours ?"[/color] he asked rather sternly without addressing any of the two individuals in particular. His index finger pointed towards the opium to make clear what he was referring to. Somehow he started to feel a tiny bit odd now... Maybe he had risen out of the hot water and right into the cold air a tad too quickly for his circulation ? [hr] [sub]Interacting with Pleiades ([@The Savant]) and Lena ([@AliceInRedHeels])[/sub]