[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240703/2b875bccd59d4fce26941f0bfe4f2b05.png[/img][/center] Lady Blade dropped from the ceiling. To Terraformer's credit, he reacted as quick as he could. Wiseman was already diving in the direction of his knife in case she jumped him first, but Lady Blade got a cheap swing in at Oracle. Of the three present, she was the least equipped to last long in this fight. Terraformer could protect himself with the environment, and Wiseman himself could use his weapons and his knowledge of Lady Blade to his advantage. But Oracle could only use flashes of inspiration for the chance of standing up. So when he hit the floor, Wiseman rolled over his shoulder and brought his [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/14/06/d114060a6e6e837d72b68c016a0faae0.jpg]Stasis Blaster[/url] up to eye level. It was instinct for the longest time, tilting the weapon slightly just enough to look past the scope. Lady Blade barely got the chance to finish her taunt before Wiseman fired off three shots, each with the individual potential to drop a target's body temperature to a debilitating level. He armed for her feet, hoping to immobilize her. She was a hardened fighter who could kill any of them right now if allowed. If this wasn't enough to stop her, he'd just aim for the chest and not let up. [color=a90000]"Oracle! Knife!"[/color] He shouted, referring to the electrified blade he stuck in that robot. Oracle could get to it if Wiseman just laid into Lady Blade, and she'd be in a better position to defend herself. [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240705/022c152e9b2c1518ee8114a671cf0cd5.png[/img][/center] Unsurprisingly, what followed was just a whole lot of empty words from the humans. "team bonding" this, "plants and fungus" that. Of [i]course[/i] Mire was aware of the difference between the two kingdoms, they were a fucking kingdom of fungus [i]on legs.[/i] If these humans had the cognitive function to understand that Mire was referring to the "pyramids'" nature as Leftovers, just them. The things that these humans were afraid of and yet kept in little boxes like pets. The human in the lab coat at least [i]tried[/i] explaining itself better than the others, and on some level it made sense and was a window into the thought process of a human. This was just to get them into shape to actually do their "job," apparently. [color=88ff00]"Cooperation is a funny word that all of you humans keep expecting me to understand,"[/color] Mire commented, towards Emily. [color=88ff00]"Cooperate while we put you in this box of metal and plastic and gawk at you for a few sunrises. Cooperate so we can stab you with pieces of metal and rip you apart to [i]"study"[/i] you, whatever that meant for them. Cooperate so we can put you on some metal tube and take you far, far away from your home so we can make you be a [i]"hero."[/i][/color] The word left Mire's guttural approximation of a mouth with some inflection that humans might use to portray disgust. They were pissed off, being here, if it wasn't totally obvious. [color=88ff00]"Fine, I'll look for these things. Fine, [i]fine."[/i][/color] Without another word, Mire's body warped and sputtered until they were more liquid than solid. Mire turned around, took a few steps and then [i]melted[/i] like a statue made of wax, draining into the soil beneath their feet and then vanishing from sight.