[center][h3]Neir — Slums[/h3][/center] "Famous inventors?" Meira mused to herself as the pair walked along the evening streets, head tilting back and forth as she considered the question for a few seconds... Before promptly shaking her head no. "Sorry, none really come to mind. I'm probably not the best person to ask about stuff like that, though; fancy tools are nice and all, but if they're not cheap or useful enough to pick up, I'm not likely to even think about them. If they were... Then, well, I'd only really care about the item and not whoever made it, right?" While the rest of the walk back was rather calm, the reaction of the young man upon reaching the ramshackle building she had first seen the duo (or was it a trio to begin with?) left Meira rather taken aback. She hadn't looked into the shack beyond catching a glimpse of "C" and his attempt at wielding a wooden board, but given the context that the adventurer-hopeful provided left the young woman more concerned than not. "Couldn't move without help... Well, there doesn't seem to be any trace of a struggle, because there'd probably be more damage to the floor otherwise," the adventurer spoke calmly, placing one hand on "C"'s shoulder as she looked around the darkened room. "...What does your friend look like? I have a few hunches as to what might have happened, but I need more information before I try anything." If whoever was here had been spirited away due to her getting them involved in that earlier mess, even if only incidentally, then she felt more than a passing obligation to make things right. [@Zeroth] [hr][center][h3]??? — ??? Forest — Nest[/h3][/center] With their heads cocked to one side almost completely in sync as Nyana adopted a defensive stance, the chicks continued to stare at the slimegirl-knight with rather curious expressions. Their heads continued to track her as she began to move, slowly but surely, towards the edge of their nest, but given how tall it was—no thanks in part due to the tree trunks lining the edge of it—they seemed to be in in real rush to do... Well, much of anything, really. Of course, in being introduced to a foreign object that didn't seem to be immediately out to harm them, one of the chicks eventually mustered up enough courage to actually [i]interact[/i] with the weird bipedal metal object moving around. Naturally, this meant poking at the shield that Nyana was placing between herself and them with it's beak. The clanking was rather audible as metal met metal—a testament to the hardness of both—but the force of impact, while noticeable, did not necessarily indicate any intent to simply pry the thing away from her. [@Crusader Lord]