[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tgbbhnFP/Elara.webp[/img][/center][Sub]Interactions: Octavia-[@The Savant][/sub] [hr] [indent]Elara watched Octavia’s turmoil with a sympathetic heart, understanding the depth of her distress. The princess’s usually composed demeanour was now a fragile mask, the soft glow of the moonlight highlighting the tension in her clenched jaw and the slight tremble of her hands. [color=#4169e1]“Your High-”[/color] she began, her voice catching in her throat. She cleared it and shook her head slightly, her eyes never leaving Octavia’s face.[color=#4169e1] “Octavia,” [/color]Elara corrected herself, her tone gentle but firm. She got up from her chair, the soft rustle of her skirts the only sound in the stillness. [color=#4169e1]“I don’t believe I’ve misplaced my trust in you. And I could never doubt your intentions.”[/color] [color=#4169e1]“It is only that…my concern is for your safety and reputation,” [/color]Elara continued, taking note of the flicker of doubt in Octavia’s eyes, the way her hands trembled slightly as she clutched at the bedclothes. [color=#4169e1]“The court can be quite…unforgiving.”[/color] She reached out, her fingers brushing lightly against Octavia’s arm. The touch was brief but she hoped it conveyed a world of unspoken support and understanding for the young woman. [color=#4169e1]“I do, however, apologize if my earlier words have caused you any great amount of distress. I’ve served you long enough to know your character and your loyalty to Flynn.” [/color]With those words, she willingly chose to ignore the obvious elephant in the room: the type of relationship that Octavia’s mother may have had with the winged blight-born. Elara’s heart ached as she watched Octavia sob into her hands, the princess’s distress palpable in the now quiet room. [color=#4169e1]“I think…” [/color]she began again softly, kneeling beside the bed so she could look up into Octavia’s tear-streaked face. [color=#4169e1]“I think the prince knows your heart, knows the gist of the kind of person you are by now. He knows your loyalty and your integrity, and he will understand that you sought comfort in a moment of need.”[/color] Elara reached out, gently taking one of Octavia’s hands in her own, feeling the cool and damp skin underneath. [color=#4169e1]“The best course of action here may be to be honest with Flynn. He deserves to hear the truth even if it’s not what it seems.”[/color] She paused, letting her words sink in. [color=#4169e1]“Flynn knows you. He [/color][i][color=#4169e1]will [/color][/i][color=#4169e1]understand you.” [/color] Elara’s own heart seemed to protest these words, pounding away in her chest. What if she was wrong? The woman felt a bead of sweat trickle down her back, despite the coolness of the room. Her hands, though steady, suddenly felt clammy against Octavia’s skin. Still, Elara used her free hand to gently wipe away a tear from Octavia’s cheek, her touch light and tender as if to say that she would protect her no matter the cost. [/indent]