[center][img]https://imgur.com/BVAvSa1.png[/img] [h1]VV[/h1][/center] [h2][color=gray]D-Class Wing, Cell Hallway[/color][/h2] [sub][@Wayward][/sub] [hr] [quote=D][color=9e0b0f]"What is the Abyssal Connection Project? And what makes us 'special' to it?"[/color][/quote] The guards standing beside the scientist immediately noticed the aggression in D's stance, and the way he spoke. Hands clenched rifles, taking half steps forward. Before the scientist raised a hand, thin lips curved into a smirk. [b]“Relax, gentleman. The subject is only seeking answers.”[/b] The guards leveled a glare at D through their visors, before stepping back. The scientist just chuckled, before answering D's question with one of his own. [b]“You sure you want know? We’ve discontinued memory wipes for you and your fellow test mates, so anything you learn now will stay with you… And haunt you for the rest of your days.”[/b] The scientist grinned, before tapping his chin thoughtfully.[b] “Yes, perhaps I'll share a little something with you.”[/b] He leaned in, speaking in a low whisper to D and VV.[b] “Your horrors. Your nightmares. The demons that haunt you… All of this is fuel for the Abyssal Connection Project. And it's my job…” [/b]He raised a hand, plucking the air in front of them.[b] “To pull that out of you in as many horrifying ways possible…”[/b] He checked his watch and smiled. Five minutes left until it was time for their surgeries. [hr] [center][h1]Cellmate in Cell 2.4[/h1][/center] [h2][color=gray]D-Class Wing, Cell 2.4[/color][/h2] [sub][@Qia], [@Silver Carrot][/sub] [hr] [quote=A]“We need to know what you remember. Anything could help us get out of here.”[/quote] The cellmate, still gripping his head, looked on at A. [b]“Memories? Ah, memories. The ethereal wisp that they- th- they take from us!”[/b] He moaned, gripping his head tighter. [quote=A]“What did you mean by…the darkness? What…did they do to you?”[/quote] The man grunted, before momentary clarity entered his eyes. His hands fell limp, and he stared at A with wide eyes. [b]“They harvest it. All the darkness a person has. It makes you… ‘special’ here. To more than one person. To more than one [i]th-th-thing! [/i]I only remember slivers… of a Voice… a Voice in the darkness, calling out my name!”[/b] [quote=Pia][color=purple]"And, do you know what they did to us?"[/color][/quote] [b]“They did the same to you as they do to us, but you're special. You're back! Back from the dead! They empower the darkness in you, and bring you closer to the hellish darkness where [i]they[/i] come from. The monsters. The [i]demons[/i]. “For you is a fate, I fear, is far worse than all of us…”[/b] The man moaned and muttered, shivering as he stood there, trying his best to answer them with the shattered mind he had. There were five minutes left until it would be time for their surgeries. It would be wise indeed to make their way over to the scientist before time ran out…