[center][h1]Vrelenor[/h1] [h2]Terrifying Forest[/h2][/center] Vrelenor clambers up the slope, he has to resort to using the butt of his staff as a makeshift alpenstock (not that he knows that's the word for it) a few times, but he makes it up. At Jase's comment he briefly gives a confused look before replying a little irritably, it's not these guys' fault, but recent events had rather soured his cheerful mood, "I thought we agreed to search the cave, rather than futilely searching for a beast we can neither catch nor fight, it was your idea in fact." He heads for the entrance, "Come on, there must be something here, if nothing else that water was probably drinkable." He walks slowly, carefully looking over the walls as he does. He's not really sure what they're expecting, but it beats thinking about the giant metal bird, getting killed by one flying metal disaster is enough for him. [@Crusader Lord] [@Expendable] [@Crimson Paladin]