[center] [img]https://imgur.com/IYihMs5.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LjdhYmJmZi5UR0Y1YkdFZ1NIbGhZMmx1ZEdoMWN3LjA/sabrina-destiny.regular.webp[/img][/center] [center][img]https://imgur.com/LaKV12v.png[/img] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/z8xjG/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxODMsInciOjI4MTMsImZzIjo2NSwiZmdjIjoiI0ZFRkVGRSIsImJnYyI6IiMwMDAwMDAiLCJ0IjoxfQ/QWlzbGluIFJvc2U/darlington-demo.png[/img][/center] [center] [img]https://imgur.com/ZVvc9qJ.png[/img] [img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/ywLOY/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxODMsInciOjI4MTMsImZzIjo2NSwiZmdjIjoiI0JDQkNCQyIsImJnYyI6IiMwMDAwMDAiLCJ0IjoxfQ/VHN1a2lubyAoTHVuYSkgSW5vdWU/playfair-display-regular.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][i]The House on the Hill[/i][/color] [b]Interactions:[/b] Leon ([@AtomicEmperor]), Sully ([@Atrophy]), Nora ([@Shin Ghost Note]) [hr] [quote=Leon][color=C67C12]"-The whole point, really was you having rowdy uncontrolled spirits! You're learning, we're trying to improve your control, right!?”[/color][/quote] Layla sweated a bit, a sheepish smile on her face. She had terribly wanted to skip the work and get straight to practicing with Void. But, she had to play by the Temple's rules this time. They knew what they were doing, specializing in apparitions and all. So a new Charge? Layla made a face, staring at Leon. She had always had apparitions following her around. Now it would be the other way around: she would be the one seeking out an apparition. But who could she ask? She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Luna, leaning across the counter to shake her a little. [color=bcbcbc][b]“Talk to me after this, I can help you with that.”[/b][/color] Luna said with a wink. Aislin immediately flattened her gaze at Luna. [b]“I dislike everything you just said, girl. What if Layla doesn't like your brand of demon?”[/b] Luna gave a shrug. [color=bcbcbc][b]“Can't be worse than the violent bloodsuckers she's dealing with now.”[/b][/color] Layla just gave a grateful smile. Yes, anything was better than Mr. Riil and his sisters. Well, [i]sister.[/i] Having their numbers reduced by one had made her days just that much better. And she was happy to see it reduce to zero. She was happy to switch them out for something she could maybe tackle better. Which raised the question, just what apparitions did the House of Cards have…? Layla pursed her lips. It wasn't a question to ask here and now. She felt slightly admonished, staring at Leon as he hushed her. Void was a sensitive topic. Obviously, with how quickly Luna blew a fuse at it, and her mixed feelings towards Jack… When Sully came out of nowhere, and shot her in the face with water. At least, she thought it was water, until she unintentionally swallowed some, and realized the delicious liquid was healing elixir. Immediately, like a baby chick seeing it's mama, she opened her mouth to take in the full flow of the elixr. With a satisfied sigh, she wiped her mouth, removing bandages and rolling her shoulders. She felt [i]perfect[/i]. [color=7ABBFF][b]“Sully, you're my knight in shining armour. Just give me a heads up next time!”[/b][/color] She said, laughing after Leon. Gesturing to Luna, Layla gave Leon an enthusiastic nod. [color=7ABBFF][b]“Sounds like I'll have a new Charge after this. So, no worries there!”[/b][/color] Aislin playfully rolled her eyes. [b]“Hey, aren't we suppose to be thinking about what Nora's gonna make for us?”[/b] Layla smiled smugly, looking like a prideful child. [color=7ABBFF][b]“[i]I've[/i] already put in my request. Now it’s your guys turn.”[/b][/color] Aislin puzzled over it for a moment, before she turned to Nora with a smile. [b]“A never-ending metal staff! You can just keep extending it, and extending it. Imagine all the people I'd be able to restrain with easy material like that…”[/b] Luna hummed as she pressed her glass to her lips again, before she spoke, [color=bcbcbc][b]“No gadget for me. Wouldn't feel right. At least, not yet…”[/b][/color]