[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Closed for Business[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya had enough as she looked over and did the maths a 3rd time… it took 3 attempts to total it up meaning she had enough. Her eye was hurting a little and she was tired. It has been a day of…well a crazy day. She reached her hand back feeling the French braid and smiled. She might not even be alone tonight, it was stupidly fast but when it felt right…it was right. Purring the book away under the counter to work on in the morning, maybe lunch and capped her ink carefully with a small stopper. [color=a2d39c]“I'm closing up, anything else?”[/color] She called out to no requests so walked her way over and flipped the wooden board next to the door to “Closed for business” and barred the back door with a thick wooden bar. She felt safer and Sunni if he returned could use the main door still. [color=a2d39c]“Goodnight”[/color] She said with a small yawn making way up the stairs, it got darker and cooler the higher she climbed till she found her sanctuary. The knight gave her a nod but barely replied too intent on his drawings, she did not expect Lunarians to be overly fond of her anyway. Ahh.. she thought embracing the low light, only the moon's light came in and she had a window propped open to let the cool night air in. The cold never bothered her, the darkness felt homely, her eye ached but she felt better here. Her room had a lack of things, she did not arrive with much but it was hers, a trinket or so that caught her eye in market, a small pile of books, and such. her status at Mistress did mean she had a rather large bed at the end of the room, a pair of surfaces either side, heavy iron candle holders and such. She rarely used those or needed to. The coals Basin for heat she never needed. [color=a2d39c]“Ahh” [/color]dipping her face partly into water felt good as her eye soothed into the cool liquid, long dagger forged by her father dropped onto the side table, she just dropped her clothing neatly into the drawer and climbed into her bed, the warm covers not needed but kept the soft materials and the luxury of it all. Sya smiled and closed her big eye, shutting out the light, the noise, the chaos and having her own safe spot where she could sleep in peace was priceless. A quick tug and her brown hair was loose all over the pillow massaging her scalp and enjoying letting it free. It did not take her long to be content and I'd anyone wanted to bother her for no important reason they would find themselves thrown down the stairs. That was not a hollow threat either with how her eye started to feel later on. Flashes of colours, pain and so. Sya just needed a rest, perhaps a cuddle and a good “night's” sleep. She traced one of her scars, an old wound near her heart, an attempt to kill her thinking she was a vampire of all things. Vampire no, it would have probably worked though. Above that though was a rather more pleasantly gained mark on her skin. Her singing to self died away as sleep took her and she lay half covered, breathing slowly letting the cool night air help her forget and soothe her body lit only by the slice of moonlight making her seem even paler than she was. Sya was at peace. [@amorphical] [hider=My Hider] [Youtube]https://youtu.be/bvznncrAOJE?feature=shared[/YouTube] [/hider]