[center][h1][color=orange]Crane[/color][/h1] Savior Island[/center] [hr] The cookie didn't have much to tell her at all. Crane stared at the tiny little object between her fingers. [color=orange]"Hello?"[/color] She realized she hadn't been paying attention to Ms. Duff's instructions. Or rather, she had forgotten them. Or perhaps, she wasn't sure how to translate what she had done for her normal sized fingers to Crane's fingers, which were six times bigger. The little cookie wasn't speaking to her, or telling her any humorous facts. How did she...was she supposed to...like this, or..? Oh, she didn't want to drop it! This was no good at all. Crane glanced over her shoulder. She was currently in the shade of the mega building, almost on the opposite side of where she was before, and she was mostly by herself, at least out here in the water. Not wanting to drop the little cookie, she cupped it in her hands and walked over to shore. She was going to find Emily and ask her how it worked: she really wanted to hear the fun fact. And despite being so big, it's not like she had anywhere to store it on her person. Not without risk of losing it. So when Crane walked past the side of the tower she was on and saw Emily Duff laying on the ground, she was alarmed. Carefully, she walked over at the speed most people run at. There were two individuals she didn't recognize standing nearby. One was very pale, and one looked like the mushroom man but instead of a mushroom they were a jellyfish. Crane assumed they must work here: there were many heroes she didn't recognize, in all shapes and sizes. [color=orange]"Assistant Director!"[/color] She called out. She squatted down a short distance away, keeping her hands on her knees. At that point she dropped the pyramid onto the grass, no longer caring about it. [color=orange]"What happened? Did she faint?"[/color] She asked the two people nearby. Crane wasn't sure what to do. She was too big to apply any first aid herself. The most she could do was carry her inside, but she didn't know if that was the best decision. There weren't any marks on her, at least from what Crane could see. [color=orange]"Is there anything I can do?"[/color] She asked.