[center][h2][b][i][colour=94B21C][[/colour][/i] [colour=94B21C]𝑅𝒾 𝓁 𝑒𝓎[/colour] [i][colour=94B21C]][/colour][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] Riley tuned out much of what was said after the assistant director’s explanation, keeping an eye on the mushroom man’s reaction to everyone’s words. It made its thoughts on the activity they were meant to do, and humans in general, quite clear. They weren’t very positive things, considering how it said they treated it, though it decided to take part regardless of its hang-ups. He couldn’t blame it, really. Humans could be quite terrible to each other, let alone things that weren’t like them. And despite some differences, heroes were human too. The leftover’s disappearing act caught his interest and also gave him a bit of an idea. He would have to put it into action later, but he didn’t mind a little waiting. His thoughts were interrupted by Rupa waltzing up to Stray and laying out the terms of a bet over.... twelve dollars, eighty-seven cents and a loyalty card? And the man took her up on it. He was watching a hyperactive teenage weirdo about to compete with a hobo for [i]twelve dollars[/i]. .... That was just sad. Most of the gathered people left in short order after the declaration, including Ms. Duff, though Riley lingered around the area for a few moments longer. It was a good thing too, as he noticed something near the shore where the AD had just headed towards. [i]What was going on over there?[/i] Riley’s question was answered in short order, but not in the way he expected. First, he watched as she conversed with a pale man he couldn’t quite see. His hands were covered with something Riley immediately recognised as a product of the woman’s power. A fact that didn’t bode well. His eyes widened as he watched some[i]thing[/i] jump out of the water and attack Emily, dropping her to the ground with a touch of its tendrils. The bag in his hand crumpled. Ho? About time something happened. Maybe he’d– Just then, the giant woman from before walked by with steps that covered more ground than an elephant's—at least, he [i]thought[/i] she was walking. She was moving faster than he was in any case. She got to the shore quite quickly, being ten metres tall and all, and proceeded to do.... absolutely nothing. Instead, she, rather obviously, asked the [i]obvious[/i] strangers what had happened to the unconscious lady that they [i]clearly[/i] didn’t care about. Riley paused, his brows furrowing. .... was she stupid? [colour=94B21C]“Are you stu–[i]ugh[/i], never mind,”[/colour] Riley interrupted himself, sighing and dragging his eyes away from the oblivious giant. He fixed his gaze upon the two intruders, crunching the crystal ball in his mouth. [colour=94B21C]“So....”[/colour] Riley dragged the word out nonchalantly, his eyes flickering between the two, noting the stark differences in their appearances. Still, dissimilitude or not, they both looked nefarious enough that they probably couldn’t make it any more obvious that they were the bad guys if they tried. It was almost humorous, if not for the implications. For a brief moment, the energy within Riley’s body spilt out, the air around him warping from the sheer heat. [colour=94B21C]“What are you two up to?”[/colour]