[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/barett-street-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240708/bafc8a8b66b326e3480f0c5a641d6cf0.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] Location: The Convention Center, outside Interactions: [@Hitman] Blast [@shylarah] Oracle Bastion did not like to assume things. He hadn't heard back from his previous request asking where he would be needed so he started acting on instinct and observing the situation around him. The crowd was scattering and there are fights breaking out in several directions. Sure he could go join the fray and help his fellow heroes, but the priority now is to evacuate the crowd and minimizing potential damage. Thus. He would work himself into the crowd, assisting in whatever law enforcement efforts were present in getting the gathered crowd away from the fight scene while occasionally shielding those that may have fallen until they can get back up and avoid being trampled. Hearing the message from Oracle, Bastion took a quick moment to respond [color=ac42bf] "Roger that. Assisting heroes outside the Convention Center with Doc Holliday."[/color] Bastion said. Knowing that the villain he is now going after uses and is very adept with firearms, he put up a small, near translucent, shield around his body to at least deter any would be gunman from firing on him. Hearing gunshots ring out, Bastion determined that that would be the direction he would head towards. [color=ac42bf] "Ardent, Blast, this is Bastion, en route to assist, I think I can see you."[/color] Spotting Blast taking cover behind a bench, he made his way there first and as soon as he was in range, he put up a shield directly in front of the bench. [color=ac42bf] "Blast, you good!?"[/color]