[b][i]Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh[/i][/b] [b]Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:17 UTC+7, which is 7:17, UTC+8[/b] The point of collision between Henri's Noble Arm and the Avatar of Superbia flashed a bright, radioactive green as the latter's magical energy was dispersed, allowing Marta to throw furniture. Noel shot his favored submachine gun at the Cambodians, who were not hesitating to dive for cover, then fired back, filling the office with a steady spray of armor-piercing bullets that scattered splinters of wood, shattered computer equipment and printers, and were enough to shatter arms and limbs as the cramped confines of the area provided little effective cover. As the light grew brighter, from green to yellow-green to green-white, the Arms Masters' eyes would hurt while the Cambodian Elite Infantry, who were wearing their combat helmets and body armor, kept shooting; their priority was Nil, whom they knew was a powerful ranged attacker whose indecision won't last forever. Due to that indecision, only a miracle would save her from having several limbs and her gut perforated with bullets, thus forcing her 'Arms Master Survivability' to divert vital power from her Noble Arm to keeping her body alive; she might be able to get off one shot from her staff, but by then the Elite Troopers were using the light from Henri's destruction of the opposing Avatar as their cover. Superbia's Avatar himself had dissolved into a glowing green mass, one that was igniting itself on contact with Henri's shield into one final blast of light, one that would fill the room for a few crucial seconds where the helmeted troopers were able to shoot at Marta and Noel, concentrating their fire on the former but shooting enough to finally corner the latter in the relatively cramped space of the office. Once the light faded, Henri would find that he had utterly defeated his foe and was spared from temporary blindness due to his shield. However, it was clear that these [i]completely mundane troops[/i] were rubbing the floor with them due to terrain, surprise, and the fact that their armor-piercing bullets were chewing through desks, equipment, and even [i]walls[/i]. And this was before they began tossing flash bangs all over the place, confident that their helmets and earplugs would save them from it. They were not allowing Marta or Nil a break, even with the Avatar of Superbia gone. Then, before they can turn their guns on Henri... Shots were fired - More mundane weapons - At the flanks and rear and through the walls of the corridors. It was other Cambodian soldiers, Regular Infantry who had shot at their comrades to save Task Force Obsidian. The reason why? Well, as their medics approached the now-wounded and probably incapacitated members of TFO, one of those who knew English would say, "The Prime Minister was lying about you guys. He is the real traitor and we're dealing with him soon..." Would they notice, however, that [i]Noel had disappeared?[/i] [hr] Cristina would slaughter all inside her Mirage Space, starting with the automated Iranian Shaheed Drones and ending with the unfortunate Cambodian Army folk who had ended up inside. Once Mirage Space had ended, however, and she had returned to the mundane world, Myron would radio her with, "Nico got the rest of the Cambodian Forces surrounding the building to side with us and turn against their Prime Minister! But they're still heavily outnumbered and more Iranian Drones are coming towards -" But Cristina can already see another wave of a dozen Shaheed Drones, radio-controlled suicide craft made by the Iranians for their Chinese and Russian allies, heading towards them all. Will she lament killing folk who would have returned to their side had she not put them in Mirage Space, or will she decide to save the rest? As for Robert, he would observe the sudden shift in fortune, even as he heard Myron shout over the radio, presumably to one of their reinforcements, "[i]Volunteer Sewojo[/i], we still need your helicopters here as soon as possible! The tide of battle is turning in our favor for now, but we need reinforcements!" Then he turned to Robert as more explosions and gunfire were heard, "We're going to need you to set up a triage; I have medical supplies, you can heal and repair. If we can hold out here long enough, we can get more Cambodians to defect and turn the tide in our favor!" [hr] 'Yulian Suburov', the second avatar of Superbia, had followed through on his threat. Noel Alonso, First Lieutenant and head of Task Force Obsidian, was now chained up at the back of a truck. Accompanying him was Shen Tu, who had been arrested shortly after Huo Ren's presumed death as a suspect in the exposure and embarrassment that occurred before that - It had been easy to find out that it was his work that the exposure had succeeded in the first place. Now, the other young man was chained and collared, yet still glaring at Yulian as though eyes could kill him the entire trip to Gansu, where he planned to take control of Huo Ren's old prison... It was ambiguous whether Cao Bao had stepped in one last time to save his superior. Either way, he got two for the price of one, even if he had lost the chance to take Nico Makri... [@Gerlando][@Nimbus][@QJT][@Amidatelion][@Digmata][@Chiro][@Creative Chaos][@DammitVictor][@PrinceAlbert]