[center] [h1][b][color=Gainsboro]The Chosen Few[/color][/b][/h1] [hr] [color=DimGray]Weisshaupt Fortress, midmorning[/color][/center] Constable Howe sighed and shook his head, “I am telling you this plan is foolish. I don’t see what you and the Commander do in this endeavor to stop the Blights before they begin.” There came a laugh from behind a flagon of ale. As Oghren, the messenger from Hero of Ferelden’s expedition, spoke up. “It ain’t your call. The Warden Commander likes the new boss, especially since he’s got the balls to give the order some real staying power. Nothing like a nation to tax and rule over to motivate people to help ya’. ‘Hell, got Orzammar to start taking working with the Warden’s more seriously. Granted it could also be because Tevinter is going to hell in a nug basket.” Oghren spoke scratching his face as he looked over the maps of the deep roads, clearly most of the planning over his head. It was no wonder the Hero of Ferelden sent him to make the report. And to pick up supplies. It seemed the dwarf had a knack for surviving anything then beating whatever tried to kill him. The lack of Oghren’s unique smell made it easier for Theron to breath on the march no doubt. Senior Warden Bethany Hawke glared from across the table at the dwarf. “Perhaps, but what the first warden is ordering could lead to hundreds of dead wardens! We don’t know how many Darkspawn are down below our feet. It could be millions, all we might do is throw lives away!” She placed a hand on her hip, she was here representing the Wardens of the Freemarches. How someone as prissy as her had impressed the Free Marches commander, Oghren would never know. Dunek Rouka slammed a fist on the table. He was the head of the Warden’s forges, one of the few privy to their secrets without a full joining. His official rank would never be more than recruit yet he was still massively important to the functions of logistics. “‘Can’s’ and ‘if’s’ are nothing for us to worry about. What happens if the Darkspawn are left down there, spawning for all of time without anything challenging them?” He spoke, cowing the crowd of assembled planners into silence. “The dwarves kept their numbers down in a losing battle for centuries. Thaigs with armies as big as Orlais and as advanced as Tevinter overrun. And what the first warden is doing is something we have known for years. The horde keeps growing if we don’t find ways to weaken it.” He stopped looking at all the representatives before him with a glare that spoke to the soul as turned towards the window. “When they run out of space below for their broods you’ll face what we have. All across your pretty open skies and fields - blighted and dying.” The forgemaster made it clear that this was as important to the survival of Thedas as killing Corypheus was. Unlike that however, few nations would put aside petty squabbles for a long term war against the Darkspawn. Many treated the blights like something that would come and go, not a long term threat. The Archivist of the Grey, like Revanelas, was another recent promotion particularly for her experimentation in healing and Blight removal. She was young and a Dalish elf like he, Ashlea of clan Eolas but unlike Revanelas she had been with the Wardens longer through most of nearly ten years having arrived at seventeen. She had been a quick study and willing to push the limits as hard as she could among the mages here for results. She had become a favorite contemporary of Avernus. “Dunek is right. We have allies, magic, weapons, and soldiers. We need to press our advantage. Imagine how much less damage the Blights would do if we could heal the people or find ways to poison the taint itself. The dwarves need this to save their people. We need this to save the Order and prove our use outside of Blights. Thedas needs this if we are to one day be able to live without the threat of the world ending from beneath us. We might even save ourselves from the calling... The first generation of Warden’s to die of old age!” Revanelas looked at the Deep Road maps supplied to them, then across the chosen wardens from across Thedas. “We follow our orders. A hundred warden’s will be broken into teams to explore what roads are still viable. Archivist Ashlea, you will head up the vanguard that will enter the deep roads at the contact point with the main body of forces to Kal-Sharok dwarves. The surface dwarves and Legion of Dead forces from Orzammar will arrive days after scouts enter. We will use dead drops and guide symbols to leave a map for you to follow as we make our way.” He took little markers placing them across the different branching paths to Kal-Sharok noting where each unit would go. As they looked over it, Hawke spoke up. “Your unit... Isn’t moving towards Kal-Sharok.” Revanelas nodded. “Correct. We will be pursuing the secondary target...” He pushed the marker all the way forward, tapping on a fortress nearby. “This old dwarven fortress supposedly has surface access. The dwarves have disclosed that this fortress belonged to the kingdom of Darmallon, a great thaig made of gold veins. He wants us to search the ruins for anything to help locate it. The dwarves of Kal-Sharok and Orzammar have even cut a deal. To allow surface dwarves to settle it and end their exile. Our reward will be half the treasure they uncover within the hold... And twenty percent stake in the largest gold mine in Thedas into perpetuity.” They stared a moment understanding how money they were talking. “That’s... More money than the Hossberg tax collector could find in a year.” Ashlea answered, and it seemed she was as surprised as the rest. Oghren cheered and knocked back a mug of ale, clearly enthralled as constable Howe frowned, concerned if we were doing it out of greed. “Why would the order need [i]so[/i] much money?” “Because the warden commander will use the money to begin developing and purchasing land in and around current fortresses. The funding will also go to repairing and recruiting to fill our dormant and abandoned fortresses. Eventually he wants each nation's wardens to be able to run their own operations within the deep roads. To do that we need four things: reputation, influence, money, and manpower. Kill the archdemon before it rises? Repairs our reputation in the eyes of the public, we saved them a Blight.” He spoke with a sigh to how current operations were all bets on how to save a declining order. “We're working on manpower, but the first warden is going to work on influence through politics here with us hopefully gaining control of the Anderfels. Our goal is to find and kill Archdemon for the main host... But the secondary objective is critical for long term survival, income. We find that golden thaig, we keep the order in enough gold to pay for the Anderfels and our upkeep. We are still in decline even if it doesn’t feel like griffons and the end of the corruption at the top doesn’t fix the fact that there are less than ten thousand Wardens across all of Thedas. This fortress alone was built to house that many.” He took a deep breath and picked up his helmet, settling it under an arm. “The first warden’s goal is continuous pressure on the darkspawn across Thedas, so we can uncover more about the threats we face. Get the lists we’ve made up for the pathfinder teams ready to be passed out. I’ve got to try and give a speech and not make a fool of myself.” They could hear the crowd outside growing as Revanelas pulled his helmet on, they grew anxious waiting no doubt, side effects of knowing the calling is coming you value the time you do have even more. Archivist Ashlea picked up her staff and Forgemaster Rouka straightened his tunic. As the three took a deep breath heading out from the library into the courtyard. They stepped onto the balcony. He’d practiced this speech for weeks with the first warden. Yet now before the crowd his nerves spiked as his armor hands were placed upon the stone parapet he decided to remove his helmet to speak more clearly, looking down at faces new and friends of old. He raised his arms, then gave a mighty yell. “Wardens! Might I have your ears, as you know we have called you all here. We are no strangers to war, to the Blight, to death, to sacrifice for Thedas. But we've been fighting for our very survival against inhuman, genocidal monsters, but it is a fight we cannot continue forever! Our order has found strength now, yes! But between the calling, deaths in the line of duty, and ignorance of the nations of Thedas, can we say in a hundred years there will be enough of us to stop the next Blight? To face the Magister’s Sidereal like Corypheus?! There could be as many as seven more Blights to go! We must strike them where they live! Bring the war to the Darkspawn! Slay them before they rise!” The murmurs filled the crowds, as they remembered the same was about to be attempted by the warden’s of Orlais once... Now here they stood telling them the same. “Quiet!” The order barked out, to silence the assembled Wardens, hundreds of eyes fixed as the Forgemaster glared down any offender who refused to be quiet as he commanded the muscled dwarf nearly as wide as he was tall. “Thank you Forgemaster.” Revanelas shouted once more telling them what they needed to hear to make this sink in. “We have found the prison of an old god! With the help of surface dwarves, Orzammar, and Kal Sharok what they are talking about is not simple assault but reclamation! More importantly the dwarves have put their full might behind us, we will not go alone! But we will go to where they live and where they breed, and we will destroy them. This is how we take the battle to the heart of the enemy. This is the day that we correct the course of Thedas’s history! This is the day we ensure the survival of all peoples, by our hands alone!” “In war!” He shouted to the crowd as the Warden assembled praying they answered the call, this part had been the idea first warden to help motivate and excite the wardens before him “Victory!” The cries came with accents from across Thedas joined in a chorus of defiance against disease and villains alike. Sound pounded on their shields or armor, mages clanged their staffs on stone, rogues lent their voices or rang their knives on stone or other blades. “In peace!” Ashlea cried out next, lifting her staff to make the azure griffon symbol appear in the air above them. Letting the symbol hang there as she focused. As she slammed her staff back down, the booming voices of the crowd grew even louder. Nearly five hundred wardens, even those most reserved among them, could find reason to cheer now. “Vigilance!” They shouted as proudly as they could. Bursting through the illusion of the symbol a flight of three riders on full grown griffons swooped down before them. As the Forgemaster bellowed out the last part. “In Death!” “Sacrifice!” The cries came out as even the leaders yelled it out, as the griffons landed. The motivation and selling them on the plan was done, now he needed to tell them about it or at least how they would find out more. “Those of you selected for the Pathfinder teams will head to the meeting hall. The rest of you... I have it on good authority that the first warden has brought out the good stocks of all our guests. Go eat and drink your fill! Before the Ferelden diplomats drink it up!”