[center][table][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/p16Fe45.png[/img][/center][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: The Alchemy Chambers[/sub][/cell] [/row][/table][/center] Flynn, feeling the exhaustion of the day weighing heavier on his shoulders with every step, led the way to the Alchemy Chambers after asking a squire to find a room for Willis at the Inn and dropping Tia and Eris off at the Temple of Aelios. Anxiety gripped his chest as he reflected on the day's events: Lunarian guards showing up unannounced, the Queen of Lunaris was dead, his wife was understandably distraught, and a blight-born nearly killed a child and the Priestess of Aelios all in one day. And now, with Willis walking beside him, Flynn knew he had to show compassion. Many of the blight-born he had taken into Dawnhaven had proven themselves useful and capable of civility. He couldn't let one incident sour his view of all of them. Orion walked beside Flynn, his eyes constantly scanning the dimly lit areas of Dawnhaven. The flickering torches cast long shadows, and the scent of herbs and potions from the Alchemy Chambers ahead of them wafted through the air. Orion’s gaze occasionally flicked to Willis, who shuffled along with them, trying to discern his emotions from his facial features. Was he apprehensive? Surely he must be given the day’s events. But who was to really say with this one? [color=337d71]"Through here,"[/color] Flynn directed, unlocking and holding open the door to the building where all their research was being done. It was cold, quiet, and dark, as all the sages had left for the day—and Eris was recovering at the temple. Once Orion and Willis stepped inside, Flynn headed toward Eris’s study, where he and Orion had been conducting their interviews. Orion’s gaze lingered on the shelves, lined with an array of alchemical tools and potions. Glass vials filled with vibrant liquids, mortar and pestles stained with the residue of countless herbs, and intricate apparatuses for distillation and extraction caught his eye. His mind drifted to the research they had been conducting, the countless hours spent poring over ancient texts and experimenting with new compounds. The search for a cure was a constant, driving force behind their work. Every new blight-born that arrived in Dawnhaven brought with them a glimmer of hope, a potential key to unlocking the mysteries of the blight. His eyes flicked the blight-born beside him then. Could this be it? Their potential breakthrough? [color=337d71]“Take a seat,"[/color] Flynn instructed, gesturing to a wooden chair across from a desk. [color=337d71]"The questions I will ask are for research purposes, as we are trying to find a cure. And, it will decide whether I allow you to live here or not."[/color] Flynn took a seat at the desk and grabbed the leather-bound journal and ink pen lying there. Opening the journal, Flynn flipped through dozens of previous notes to find a blank page. [color=337d71]"What is your full name?"[/color] he began, leaving no room for small talk. [color=ed1c24]“My name is Willis Philips, but you can call me Willy.”[/color] [color=337d71]“How long have you been blight-born?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“For 4 months now.”[/color] A tinge of sympathy hit Flynn then, realizing that Willis was new to this. No wonder he had been causing such destruction recently. Nonetheless, Flynn wrote down his answer and moved on. [color=337d71]“Are you fed by blood, energy, emotions, sex, psyche, souls, or magic?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I drink blood.”[/color] Orion’s eyes narrowed slightly as he considered the situation. Blood drinkers were notoriously difficult to manage, their unpredictable nature and insatiable thirst posing constant challenges despite the protocols in place. [color=337d71]“How were you turned?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I was turned after I got caught in a blight-fog.”[/color] [color=337d71]“What abilities did you inherit?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I can fly by turning into a bat, and I can heal really fast.”[/color] [color=337d71]“And what of weaknesses?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Bright lights and loud sounds really hurt my eyes and ears. I can’t taste my meals, besides the salty taste of blood, and if I eat a normal meal from a tavern I get really bad stomach cramps.”[/color] [color=337d71]“And what brings you to Dawnhaven?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I’m hiding from Lunarian persecution, bounty hunters, and mercenaries sent to kill me. I came to Dawnhaven because I heard people like me are safe here.”[/color] [color=337d71]“Are you willing to abide by the laws and customs of our village?”[/color] Flynn looked up from the journal this time, his eyes narrowing on Willis. His story was not unlike many of the other blight-born here, but he had already broken their laws. Yet, in the back of his mind, he was reminded that Tia wanted this man to live. [color=ed1c24]“Yes, Your Majesty.”[/color] [color=337d71]“Can you co-exist peacefully with the humans and other blight-born here? In Dawnhaven, you are not allowed to feed on anyone here. This is a sanctuary, and I expect you to treat it as such. Do as you will with the people outside of Dawnhaven, but if you are caught, there is nothing I can do to help you. You will be at the whim of the King of Lunaris. I advise you find other means of sustenance, not humans.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Well yeah, but if they are attacking me I will defend myself!”[/color] Flynn nodded in understanding. [color=337d71]“Just don’t attack anyone here.”[/color] He stated, looking back at his journal notes. Flynn had not forbid anyone from defending themselves outside of Dawnhaven, he knew he could not stop anyone from hunting the creatures outside of his domain. [color=337d71]“What was your profession before you died?”[/color] He asked, moving the interview forward. [color=ed1c24]“I was first sergeant of the 13th Special Forces Group belonging to the 3rd Ranger Battalion serving under the Royal Army of Lunaris.” [/color] [color=337d71]“To live here, you [i]must[/i] contribute to the wellbeing of Dawnhaven. As with all people here, you will have a job and commit to helping the community. Are you willing to do so?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Yes, Your Majesty. In fact, I will gladly obey you if you wish great harm to befall on anyone.”[/color] Flynn looked up from his notes, almost allowing a smile at Willis’s offer. [color=337d71]“I appreciate that, though I do not wish harm on anyone.”[/color] He resisted adding “yet” to his statement, though he would be sure to keep Willy’s offer in mind if it came to it. [color=337d71]“I have Orion for that, anyway.”[/color] He glanced over to his advisor with a hint of a playful smile before turning his attention back to Willis. Orion met Flynn’s gaze with a slight nod and a small smirk of his own, his eyes reflecting a quiet understanding. He knew his role here well, so there was nothing more to be said, his expression and presence conveying all that was needed. [color=337d71]“You said you can transform into a bat.”[/color] Flynn began, looking over his notes. [color=337d71]“Can we trust you to assist with courier services? We have another blight-born, Pleiades, who has done the brunt of the work for some time now. I am sure he could use some help with the smaller objects that you could transfer on your own.”[/color] In the back of Flynn’s mind, he noted that he would only trust Pleiades with his most important of letters. Willis would need to earn that level of trust. Still, he could be useful for the average citizen in Dawnhaven. [color=ed1c24]“Sure can!”[/color] Willis bursts into a puff of smoke. As it dissipates, a brown bat hops onto the desk, extending their wingspan in front of Flynn as if to take flight. [color=ed1c24] “I can deliver anything as a bat as long as they fit on my human body!”[/color] Bat Willis raises his head, speaking to Flynn. [color=ed1c24]“Orion can tell you just how fast I can be!”[/color] Flynn arched an eyebrow when Willis vanished, only to be replaced by a small talking bat. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, though it was hard to surprise him these days. He jotted down a few additional notes on this peculiar transformation before shifting his focus to his advisor, anticipating his input. Orion watched the transformation keenly, noting the fluidity and precision of the man’s movements. He had seen this agility before and knew well the positive and negative potential it held. As Willis completed his demonstration, Orion nodded in agreement with the assessment. [color=#0054a6]“He’s right, Your Majesty,”[/color] Orion said, his voice steady and confident. [color=#0054a6]“He’s fast and efficient. With proper, and perhaps heavy guidance in the early stages, he could be a valuable asset to our courier services.”[/color] Orion, always perceptive and thorough, considered additional questions that might provide further insight into Willis’s character, capabilities, and potential integration into Dawnhaven. He cleared his throat slightly, signaling that he had more inquiries. [color=#0054a6]“Are there any specific triggers that cause you to lose control or act aggressively?”[/color] Orion asked, his tone measured and calm. His eyes remained steady on Willis, observing every nuance of his reaction. [color=#0054a6]“We need to identify any potential risks.”[/color] Flynn redirected his focus to Willis, feeling reassured by Orion's presence, knowing Orion could catch any details Flynn might have overlooked. The day had been extraordinarily long, and Flynn found solace in having Orion's sharp mind to rely on throughout this arduous process. [color=ed1c24]“Uhm, a trigger…”[/color] The bat pivots on the table to face Orion. [color=ed1c24]“I guess, yeah! The sight or smell of blood when I’m really hungry. Or when my life is under threat.”[/color] Orion nodded thoughtfully, absorbing every nuance of Willis’s response. His eyes flickered briefly to Flynn, a silent signal to ensure he was noting the potential risks. Then, with a calm yet probing demeanour, the prince’s advisor continued his line of questioning. [color=#0054a6]“Can you recall any specific incidents, especially recently, where you lost control due to hunger or feeling threatened? It’s crucial we understand the extent of your control,”[/color] Orion explained, his tone still measured but now carrying a hint of urgency. His eyes bore into Willis’s, searching for any flicker of hesitation or truth. If there was any, he would know, bat form or not. [color=ed1c24]“Hmm… I will tell you what I remember, but please don’t judge me harshly.”[/color] Willis says anxiously. [color=ed1c24]“A blight-born is most vulnerable at the moment when they are reborn, and I’m no different. I have a memory of uncontrollably ripping into my dead comrades, when the blight-mist turned me, to drain them of blood. That was 4 months ago. The first thought I had after coming to my senses was not guilt or shame for killing my friends, but a chilling voice in my mind telling me to go find and slaughter the rest to cover my tracks, and a dark urge in the pit of my stomach to drink all of their lifeblood. I knew my life as a human was over but… I made the mistake of going back to say goodbye to my family…”[/color] Willis suddenly averts his gaze from Orion, and says in a trembling voice, [color=ed1c24]“I-I didn’t do it, I swear! I was compelled!”[/color] Flynn frowned as Willis recounted his past. Many of the blight-born he'd encountered had committed unspeakable acts upon their transformation—Willis was not alone in this. Flynn sympathized with them, though their unpredictable behavior remained a cause for concern. He took a few sharp breaths, to regain composure. [color=ed1c24]“The urges, they come and go, but it was never as bad as that 1st time. Because I never let myself starve. Then about 2 weeks ago I… got in trouble with the Baron whose land borders Dawnhaven. I was chased relentlessly and got badly injured in many ambushes he set for me. So yesterday, when his men cornered me at the mountain pass, I decided to end things there. I killed a big number of them, and felt thoroughly refreshed, and I let the rest go. But it was a controlled frenzy, you get me?” He paused. “Oh! Also, the kid I injured today at the marketplace was an accident. That’s an oopsy daisy on my part, sorry!”[/color] After jotting down a few more notes, Flynn glanced up from his journal. [color=337d71]“The voice you said was telling you to kill people. Does that still happen?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Ehh… I don’t think so.”[/color] Willis replies. Flynn shot a quick glance at Orion, concern evident in his eyes. [color=337d71]“Please inform us if you feel that urge again,”[/color] he said, turning his attention back to his notebook and then to Willis. [color=337d71]“We are here to help yo—”[/color] Suddenly, a frantic knock at the door interrupted him. [color=337d71]“Come in,”[/color] Flynn called, closing his journal and tossing it into a drawer. Nervously, the squire Flynn had summoned earlier entered the room. [color=d3d3d3]“Sire.”[/color] He bowed respectfully to the Prince and Orion. [color=d3d3d3]“A message—from someone new in Dawnhaven. She claims to be the Lady of Durnatel and requests an audience.”[/color] He handed a note to Flynn, who couldn’t help but let out a sigh as he took it. Yet another task on his very long to-do list. [color=337d71]“Thank you,”[/color] Flynn replied, opening the note to see the woman's name written by the guard who received her message. He closed the note and stuffed it into his pocket, then returned his attention to the squire. [color=337d71]“And what of the Inn?”[/color] [color=d3d3d3]“The Beholder is full, my lord. Sya said she cannot house anyone else until the new addition is finished.”[/color] the blonde squire reported, casting a nervous glance at Willis. Flynn leaned forward on the desk, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes tightly. He sighed, his mind racing with ideas on what to do with Willis. He considered taking Willis himself, putting him in one of the spare bedrooms. But then a vision of Willis attacking Octavia or Elara in the night flashed through his mind. No, that idea wouldn't work. He couldn't put them in danger. Opening his eyes, Flynn leaned back in his chair for a moment. [color=337d71]“Very well, thank you. You're dismissed,”[/color] he said to the squire, then turned his attention to Orion as an idea formed. [color=337d71]“Orion…”[/color] he glanced at Willis. [color=337d71]“Do you mind?”[/color] He frowned, knowing he was asking a lot from his advisor. [color=337d71]“Can you put him in your spare room? It's only temporary. I'll find a house for him in the morning; I believe we have one that hasn't been assigned yet, but I need to speak to the builders.”[/color] Orion gave a curt nod, his jaw tightening slightly as he processed the prince’s request. The weight of responsibility for Dawnhaven’s safety and the delicate task of integrating Willis into their community loomed large in his mind. This decision was not just a step, but a gigantic leap out of his comfort zone, right into uncharted territory. The man in question had already been a source of significant trouble, a thorn in his side that he had to manage carefully. Yet, voicing these concerns to his prince was not an option. He had to maintain his composure and focus on the greater good, even if it meant swallowing his reservations and pushing his boundaries further than ever before. [color=#0054a6]“Of course,”[/color] Orion replied instead, his voice steady and reassuring despite the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. [color=#0054a6]“I will make sure he is settled in and monitor him closely.”[/color] Very closely, this time around. Orion turned to Willis, his expression stern and unyielding, a clear signal that there would be no room for negotiation. [color=#0054a6]“We’ll get you situated for the night. Follow my rules and there won’t be any issues.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Thanks for taking me in, Orion!”[/color] Willis, in batform, does a happy little victory lap around the table, shaking his butt. [color=ed1c24]“And you too, Flynn!”[/color] He stops in his tracks. [color=ed1c24]“Is there a blacksmith in town though? I need to repair my equipment that was damaged from my last fights.”[/color] [color=#0054a6]“First, let's get you back to my place. We'll discuss the details of your equipment repair in the morning,”[/color] Orion replied, his tone once again making it known he was not about to be flexible on this. Flynn stood and moved towards the door, gesturing for everyone to leave ahead of him as he held it open. [color=337d71]“Thank you, Orion,”[/color] he said, watching as they each exited the room. Locking the door behind him, Flynn led the way out of the Alchemy Chambers, noting that Eris still hadn’t arrived. Perhaps she was staying at the temple for the night; the women had endured a rather traumatic ordeal. Leaving the chambers, Flynn locked that door behind him as well and glanced back at Willis and Orion. [color=337d71]“I’ll see you in the morning,”[/color] he nodded to Orion, silently wishing him luck with the new blight-born man. Flynn at least had faith that if anyone could handle Willis, it would be Orion. [color=337d71]“Goodnight.”[/color] With that, Flynn took his leave and headed back towards his home, where his distraught wife awaited. He hoped she had gone to sleep; she would need her rest for tomorrow when he broke the news of the late Queen to the town. Sighing, Flynn ran a hand through his hair and carried on in silence, his mind racing while listening to the rustle of leaves in the wind as he made his way home. [hr] [sub]Collaboration with [@Qia] & [@BOOM][/sub]