[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b60150e9-0a1e-4e4e-b4c7-a7bd655b857d.png[/img] [hr] [url=https://youtu.be/sYcOqTKv7B0?t=0&si=PCFhyfWgDCZZ_yOF]🎵[/url][/center] The Phantom Thief had strolled the perimeter of his flank, searching for any stragglers as he circled back to the heart of the hamlet. If so many of these little villages keep getting attacked like this, they might have to start charging for protective services... Strolling through the town streets toward where some of the others were conversing, sheathing his small blade and stretching out his back a bit, Arsene's spectral form dissipated as his mask returned to his face. If there were other kidnapped otherworlders, then this would be a good source of information... providing if they were here longer than the caravan group was. Otherwise, it would just be putting another tab in the list of worlds they would never get to see. Having missed introductions, [i]again[/i], he had walked into a conversation of which he vaguely knew the subject, at first glance at least, before eventually catching on... [i][color=ed1c24]Am I really this uncoordinated without my phone? I'm late to everything now...[/color][/i] His mind wandered as he passively stood on the sidelines, listening in on the conversation between the treant, the pale woman, and a good two-thirds of his familiar group participating. He said nothing, having nothing to contribute as of right now.