[b][i]Revised Faction List[/i][/b] [i]The Japanese Government (Lawful-Good)[/i] - The Central Government of Japan, overwhelmed by the monster infestation tearing the country apart, turned to YHVH and his Angels to aid in the protection of the realm. However, Their focus is not on worshipping YHVH, but rather the protection and reestablishment of order and people across Japan. To that end, they are working to form shelters and protection for innocents against any and all monsters and monster tamers. [i]The Nagasaki Fleet (Lawful-Neutral)[/i] - A Military unit serving YHVH in their divine takeover of the world, while trying to slowly change the creator god into a more benevolent and gentle god, and are willing to work with the more extreme Messians and shed blood for that. [i]The Order of Messians (Lawful-Evil)[/i] - Extremist disciples of YHVH who follows and serves him and his angels without question or remorse. They aim to smite whoever they deem wicked and blasphemous in the name of the lord, so that a new peaceful world under his light may overtake the imperfect one they live in today. [i]The Imperial Army (Neutral-Good)[/i] - Japan's military might, led officially by the Imperial Royal Family (but in fact controlled by the Oda Clan's Imperial Regents), with the goal of bringing back peace and stability to the country by destroying all the monsters rampaging across the realm. [i]The Zaibatsu (True Neutral)[/i] - An Enigmatic corporation that's shown itself in the beginning of the monster infestation. Possessing every means to aid all monsters and make deals, they side with no one exclusively, and instead deals with and lends services to everyone equally. Their domains are deemed hallow grounds where violence is not allowed. [i]Divine Powers (Neutral-Evil)[/i] - A group of Scientists and enforcers who research and conduct live experiments on a variety of different monsters to create new divinities and potentially obtain divine power themselves, creating amalgamations, mutants, and abominations in the name of deific evolution. [i]Ronin (Chaotic-Good)[/i] - Wandering modern-day Samurai (or just wandering swordsmen without a formal Samurai rank) who go around righting wrongs and protecting the innocent, but are not particularly committed to any single agenda. Sometimes overlaps with the Anarchists. [i]Anarchists (Chaotic-Neutral)[/i] - Not really an organization, but rather, anyone who hedonistically embraces the chaos of the world to do what they want for any reason they desire, and who may or may not work with other like-minded anarchists for those goals. [i]Ring of Gaea (Chaotic-Evil)[/i] - An Ancient organization of Demon Summoners and heretics often seen as followers of the likes of Lilith or Lucifer. They are extremists of a might-makes-right philosophy, believing that the world should be led and populated by the strong, while the weak will be used, enslaved, and/or ultimately purged.