[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OwZNeFr.png[/img][/center] [color=808080] [hr] A hurricane of emotions was whirling inside of him as he let out that confession. The man almost felt better in a way though seeing Elara’s changing expressions caused a doubt in his mind. [color=a93226]You are a fool. An utter fool.[/color] Those words echoed out in his mind clear as day. Then the crashing realization began to fall upon his shoulders about everything he said to the woman. Hearing her clear her throat seemed to get his attention, taking a moment away from his internal dialogue, and he stared at her. Amber eyes that were once scattering around and unsure focused in on her with an intenseness. Watching her try to speak to him caused him to hold his breath. A sickening feeling spread through the middle of his chest and rolled down into his stomach. He had never felt this sick in a social situation before but he had never said such idiotic and insane statements to someone. Not like this. It was honestly embarrassing once he really thought about it. [color=a93226]I can never show my face to her again…[/color] That thought crossed his mind as his eyes peered into her blue ones. Blue oceans of confusion and possibly disgust? He couldn’t make out the other emotions in her eyes and face. Uncomfortable? It was a lot, he was a lot, and he knew that. Her words hit him like a freight train as she mentioned getting him blankets so he could be warmer on the couch. It caused a crooked smile to appear on his expression and the color fading from his face. “[color=a93226][i]Thank you,[/i][/color]” He whispered out and realized he held his breath the whole time which caused him to suck in deeply before sighing. His eyes fell to the floor while he stroked a hand through his red locks while she was turned away from him, not realizing she would look back, but his whole being showed stress. Eyes darted up to her face as she spoke to him and he corrected himself a little more, “[color=a93226]Oh…[/color]” The disappointment was clear in that faint noise. “[color=a93226]I felt like I [i]knew[/i] you didn’t like rocks,[/color]” Which was something he contemplated in his room while staring at the moonstone. Why did he say anything about rocks when he should have known and followed his gut about her not like rocks? He could not give that to her now. “[color=a93226]Don’t thank me for that…[/color]” Regret began to pull at his heart and insides. Embarrassment overwhelmed his body. She was too polite for her own good. He was a complete idiot. How could he say those things to a complete stranger? Even a small smile was forced by her to lighten the mood which made him feel worse. [color=a93226]Why can’t you just keep your mouth shut, Sunni?[/color] That sounded out more like how his father would say it than how he would say it to himself though… same difference, he supposed. Sunni waited until Elara was out of sight with his arms crossed. Almost in a way that was hugging himself more than regularly crossed arms. Nodding to himself in thought. So many thoughts. The man counted a few seconds once Elara was gone from his sight before he let his arms fall and he moved through the house. Quickly, he found himself shutting the front door as quietly as possible and making his way away from the house while internally scolding and screaming at himself. There was no way he could stay there after saying what he did. He would hide away in his room. Maybe for the rest of his life if he was ambitious enough. [hr] [b]Interactions[/b] [@Qia] Elara [/color]