[indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwmN8oMFVx8ErjfPN4Rhcho8MhGH6rv0ElRoGh2VXk864ETovxuEuyAek&s=10[/img][/center][quote][sup][color=limegreen]Battle Against Nemesis[/color][/sup] [color=gainsboro]Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9[/color][/quote] [@Digmata][@BlackMaiden][@Aku the Samurai] Akira, being new to the technological advancements of Hawkspad, briefly struggled before finally summoning a fabricated copy of his spear to his arms. This feature changes a lot of things, to the point that he will need to talk with Hanako-san about important changes to his costume. They are going to have a lot of fun. It took the newly emerging Nomu's roar to snap him back to the urgency of the situation. Mei and Amaya thrive at fighting from afar while Yui needs to gather momentum before doing his thing which means his role is to keep this Nomu in one place! Charging towards the Nomu he created a path using his slippery barriers to increase his speed, charging head-on is normally a foolish idea but he has a trick on his sleeve. Golden light began covering him until it slowly formed into a suit of knight’s armor combining his new size with the momentum of his movement to push the Nomu back with his spear that was now shaped like a lance. Hammerhead in a split second, phased through the spear & sank below the ground, the imagery of this Nomu is like a shark, swimming and the only thing visible was its hardened spiked back as it moved. Mei sets her Hawkspad into cerebral mode, which will allow her to have a telepathic mental link without hearing deep thoughts but on a surface level. Aim for the brain, the message she told the rest, beheading the Nomu won't do any good but fully destroying its brain. The Hawkspad cerebral mode automatically notifies those with Hawkspad to adjust into cerebral mode. [color=lavender]“Flashfire Iaido · Kaguzuchi!”[/color] Mei manifested her Sakabato, a sword that's filled with oil, blitzing the Nomu at blinding speed, the Nomu was set on fire as Mei caused friction by scraping it into the ground as it came in contact with the Nomu’s fatty flesh, burning it. [color=lavender]“Incinerated cells hamper regeneration-”[/color] However, Hammerhead’s regeneration was keeping up from the scalding, she increased the heat level and continuously set it on fire, now Nomu screams like a rabid dog. Mei keeps Hammerhead at bay, shooting it. Suddenly… Hammerhead gained the strength to phase through the floor and literally disarmed Mei in the process. She loses two of her fingers, fourth and pinky from her right and the burning Hammerhead got her locked, squeezing her tight from its hugging grip. Mei could feel her body being crushed by its weight, but she persisted, increasing the burning flames of setting Hammerhead ablaze continuously with her flames. [color=lavender]“Keep advancing! I made a reckless opening so don't stop!” [/color]She said as she coughed blood out. Akira cursed as he watched the Nomu get past his body with its Permeation quirk leaving him in the dust as Mei intercepted the Nomu. It is due to this panic that he failed to notice Mei’s notification, not that he needed it considering how the schools taught him comprehensively about their anatomy. All of them, even the most basic ones, had some form of regeneration. Unfortunately he wasn’t fast enough to save Mei from grievous harm [color=yellow]“Mei!”[/color] he shouted, forgetting to call her by hero names. Fortunately he is just a few steps away to making her painful sacrifice count. Taking a leap to close the distance, Akira would turn his spear into a halberd and with the increased strength that his armor gave him swing the thing down to chop off Nomu's right arm as Mei’s flames prevent it from regenerating. He wasn’t done. Akira’s eyes went cold as he watched Nomu yell in pain. The world felt slow for a few seconds as he immediately let go of his weapon and pulled the Nomu to him. He made a ‘blade’ in his armor’s gauntlet and made sure to sink it deep into the Nomu’s exposed brain. [hr] Amaya was not expecting her first night back from her extensive break from school life. First was the sudden transfer to having a sudden dinner to now suddenly dealing with a black high-end nomu. Amaya sighed, closing her eyes as she listened to the link. It was a no brainer to go from the brain. She moved along with Akira and Mei. Seems the hammerhead Nomu was their target and so far she was slacking. The temperature around them dropped within an instant of a sudden ‘flash freeze’ so to speak. Naturally if it was anything else she would stay in the back but when she watched that Nomu take ahold of Mei. She felt her heart stop. She was pissed, she was livid. Atleast on the inside. Her cold steel bluish gray eyes stroke daggers through the Nomu as she reached into her pocket bringing out a glass vial. She moved quickly along the ice covered ground, growing colder and colder as she moved to the distracted nomu [color=skyblue] “How dare you harm one of my own.”[/color] She spoke to the hammer head tossing the vial against the nomu spilling the liquid contents over the nomu as it was simply sanitizer with a unique property of freezing and unfreezing with the surface it landed on. Working with and against her quirk for a reason. She swiped up the air in front of her several times forming ice spears, thin but effective. Sending them flying into the nomu’s exposed brain and arm as she focused on exertering her quirk along the temperature to continue to drop even further within those ice spears, overriding it’s regeneration cells as its blood and liquids froze to her will [color=skyblue]“Freeze…”[/color] She breathed in a dead on stare of focus. The High End Nomu, Hammerhead sensed itself dying from Amaya & Akira's efforts, rather it's already succumbed to its injuries and died.[hr] However... A Black Winged Nomu spawned from Hammerhead's dying breath, this Nomu: Flying Fish, a humanoid Black Winged Flying Fish Nomu, in a spur of the moment, took advantage of the situation and rushed towards Akira, lacerating him with its wing attack, leaving him a rush of blood loss. It's small in size like a toddler. [color=lavender]"It can also spawn another of its own? Kazuma-san, please save Akira!" [/Color] Mei attempted using her wrist mounted flame gauntlets but they were crushed by Hammerhead earlier. [color=lavender]"Aunty Amaya, I can't move..Save Akira...[/color] She cried. [/indent][/indent][/indent]