[indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwmN8oMFVx8ErjfPN4Rhcho8MhGH6rv0ElRoGh2VXk864ETovxuEuyAek&s=10[/img][/center][quote][sup][color=limegreen]Battle Against Nemesis[/color][/sup] [color=gainsboro]Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9[/color][/quote] [@Dragon Arts][@JrVader][@The Man Emperor][@rexgn] Haru shivered for a moment. A Nomu! Not just any Nomu, but one that was behind even the High Ends that could give even seasoned heroes trouble! It spoke, too. It spoke in the characteristic guttural tones that creatures, no, things like it uttered their words. It was a hungry thing, having devoured more than two dozen people in what felt like a blink of an eye. It still wanted more, of that, Haru was sure. It hungered for death, it hungered for blood, it hungered for flesh, and it hungered for destruction! It wants nothing less than total anarchy, like anyone that might be its master. In ancient times, Haru might have just chosen to run, call for help from an actual hero. But now? He was a hero, too. He must fight this thing… and the other Nomu creatures that it shat out of its ass. Haru figured that annihilating the weaker ones will make it easier in the long run, but if the big one can keep pulling those things out, then this may as well be the hardest battle that Haru had ever fought so far. “Eating people, how disgusting,” Haru hissed, standing on the sidewalk just outside the Le'Nombril Restau. The others were already engaged, though the trio of additional Nomu were certainly a headache that had to be dealt as fast as possible. There will be no holding back. The three smaller Nomu had split up, hunting their own prey. One in particular was in Haru’s sights, and well within his range. It was distracted, looking around for people to beat up… or eat, like its parent that it split away from. Haru activated the Inward Lights, the support item integrated into his costume that poured photons directly into his body. Sunlight was consumed like food in a buffet, and, quickly, Haru was surrounded by utter darkness. The light around him was totally consumed in just about two seconds. In the third second after he began to charge, Haru aimed for one of the smaller Nomu, its head, specifically. He'd seen enough footage of Endeavour engaging with Nomu to know that destroying the head would be a sure takedown. “May the sun take you to hell, foul creature!” Haru shouted, a pair of beams of piercing light slashing out of the darkness that had surrounded him. Thanks to the thermal vision he used in his helmet, he could see where and what he was aiming at. “Solar Beam Cannon!” Kanako wandered the Nomu’s mind. At first there was nothing in it’s mind, but as every minute passed and the Nomu devoured more people it’s mind became clearer and more discernible. She was able to make out some of its thoughts. Which she didn’t know whether to count as good or bad, considering the requirements for it to gain these abilities. She found memories here and there, both from before and after Nomufication. She picked out the useful memories, showing things about the Nomu factory, showing scientists, and other victims. She stored away the memories in the back of her mind. She had what she came for. But… Find better fight, better quirks. Icy annoyance, not a fun fight. All fight is too boring. Keep going for food, for more power, then the fight will be fun. She paused, curiosity peaked. It hadn’t been able to put thoughts into words a few minutes before, it had only been able to think in concepts and ideas, intelligent but not very useful to her since they were harder to interrupt or interpret. Something had changed in its mind. This could be useful. She had a theory to test. Meanwhile… Earlier… Spectra saw the turn of events and congratulated Matsuru for keeping up with Keyaru but then the sudden burst of panic and chaos happened. [color=silver]“If you can survive this ordeal, perhaps Rin will care enough to invite you into the Blackhawks & its feud with the Eight Bullets.”[/color] Spectra disappeared into nothingness, leaving Matsuru with nothing but cries and despair of civilians running away from the chaos along with the quick move of the Nomu eating humans and splitting into three. Yusuke used his Hawkpads and told Matsuru of what's happening. [color=deepskyblue]“You really need to get here ASAP.”[/color] He texted. [hr] Matsuru never responded to Yusuke. He was practically bounding towards the fight. Leaping over obstacles, dodging fleeing civilians, he was doing all he could to rush to the fight. ‘He’s here, they’re here.’ He thought to himself. Flashes of his last encounter with Keyaru and the massacre that followed flooded his mind. This time it would be different, he wasn’t alone. If the reports were right, these Nomu’s were different… “High-End” nomu’s or whatever Yusuke called them. On his way to the fight, his mind was overclocking itself trying to formulate a plan. ‘Do I join the ground fight? No, the ground will be oversaturated with hero’s and Nomu's. I have to attack from a different angle… Damnit, I hope Mahago doesn’t see this.” At the final leg of his journey, Matsuru took to the skies. Using a mixture of a grappling hook he created and his newly-mastered fire manipulation quirk, he was generally able to keep himself airborne. It wasn’t pretty by any means, but it was serviceable. His Judgement Gaze burned brightly when he finally arrived to the fight. Though his time in the skies was fleeting, he was able to analyze everything that was happening. ‘Yun and Jin are fighting one… Rin is helping with the other… Which means my target is-” A brief glance at Clap told Matsuru everything he needed to know. ‘You.” Descending from his airborne vantage point, Matsuru decided to try out a new combo. In one fluid motion, he created two javelin’s in each hand. He coated the tips in a super-corrosive material. Once he got a close enough distance from Clap, he launched them at the Nomu with all his might. At the last moment, where the javelins were leaving his hands, he made a small spark of focused flame to help propel the javelins forward at a more rapid speed. “Heaven-pierce.” He mumbled to himself. As much as the move was spectacular, his landing was less than stellar. Stumbling and crashing into some debris, he groaned in pain. “Ooooooouuuch… Note to self, practice the landing.” He got up slowly and brushed himself off. “Oh… Hello Yusuke. Do you still have my book?” [color=deepskyblue]"I don't have time for your jokes. Please help my friend, Kanako...her mind is stuck inside the Nomu, we've trying to keep it still and it's a battle of attrition on our part, Senpai. Go inside her mind, I'm sure you felt Ladyice's telepathic Quirk too...those apparitions...[/color] Yusuke looked at his Hawkspad and saw the reports from Mei. [color=deepskyblue]"The Nomu is vulnerable to fire and ice, and anything that can scramble its brain. I feel conflicted, if we kill the Nomu now, there's no saying Kanako may survive from its severed link. Please save her-[/color] In a quick reflex, Yusuke sensed the emotions of Clap, the Nomu that they're facing and it headed towards Ueno and Hebi. [color=deepskyblue]"That's too close...my body just moved. [/Color] He shielded Haru & Hebi from Clap with the burning snakes he got, but Clap broke out from it quicker than Yusuke's reaction time and tendrils spawned and impaled Yusuke, multiple times, echoing the gunshots he took from Rin earlier in class. It beared its fangs and rushed towards Haru. [/indent][/indent][/indent]