[indent][indent][indent][B]Happened Earlier, Cut To Present[/b] [@Gerlando][@Letter Bee] “Birds…You twos …Hawks Heroes…eat you, Nemesis will…nourish my strength!” Nemesis directed towards Hikari, Rin and supposedly Kazuki. Kazuki had already changed his position, running to another balcony and tipping over a table to act as a shield. His next decision was that Anti-Quirk bullets should not be his only weapon, and so loaded a glob of explosive jelly into his railgun, When Nemesis opened its mouth again, he shot a glob of blasting jelly into the gaping maw, then another, hoping to blast off the head and brain of this beast… Meanwhile, Hikari had stayed in front of Kazuki, allowing him to snipe the Nomu safely, if it did decide to headlessly charge it would be met with a solid whack. Now Hikari was glad she did not wear anything too formal, high heels would have been terrible to fight in, though she did not own high heels in the first place. [color=darkgreen]”Anything we can do about those three more Nomu?”[/color] the question was directed towards Rin primarily, seeing as Kazuki was occupied with the main one. Rin thought that it's already bad as it is, but bad just went bad to worse. Her Intel was wrong, initially Black Nomus can only spit out White Nomus but this breed, it has a name, it's a High End Nomu yet it's a different breed, its speech patterns are becoming not only clearer but its actions are well thought out. “I trust our comrades enough to deal with them.” Rin replied, given that among those locations are Spectra, Akira & Yusuke. Nemesis replied. “Faith in your f-friends? I see what you're doing, you are stalling Nemesis-” Rin wasted no time and rushed towards Nemesis and delivered a rush of cold kicks and punches. “Ice Flare!” Rin took the opportunity Kazuki gave her and she shot ice beams point blank, which landed hits on Nemesis, cutting its flesh, it detached its head from its body, now it's a floating head with wings. Nemesis' jaw got blown off by Kazuki and tendrils from its body re-attached its head, regenerating from the damages it accumulated from Kazuki & Rin. “It's that the best you can do?” Nemesis said. “I don't want to fight a popsicle.” It changed its direction, ignoring Rin and rushed straight towards the vantage point, where Kazuki and Hikari were at, whom Nemesis predicted as evident threats. It activated its Quirk: Rivet Stab, sending multiple spear-like projectiles towards Kazuki and Hikari. Kazuki had done well tipping over a table to form a makeshift barrier a while back; that had allowed him enough time to roll away from the spears as they struck the imported wood. Pointing his railgun at Nemesis again, he fired another glob of explosive jelly at its [i]eye[/i] then followed it up with an Anti-Quirk bullet, one he hoped would stop it from healing. Then he cried out to Rin, “Try and freeze the flesh I’m firing at as it heals!” Hikari dodged Nemesis’s piercing attack to her right, knowing Kazuki was safe behind his cover. And now with the Nomu charging head first it would be her job to stop it, giving Kazuki the distance and time he needs to shoot it again. A strategy from RPG games that can surprisingly work when the right combination of quirks, or in this case quirk and a gun. While her quirk was not at full power, Hikari was still sure enough of her melee capabilities. Not happening... Before they could react, Nemesis howled another screaming wave of EMP blasts, causing debris from the buildings blocks and balance lost as Kazuki, Rin and Hikari had little time to react. [/indent][/indent][/indent]