[i][centre][h1][colour=red]Gauss[/colour][/h1][/centre][/i] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: Le'Nombril Restau, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture[/sub][hr] After Gauss's interference, the battle proceeded quickly. A guy wielding a spear—Akira, his mind supplied—launched himself at the Nomu, only for it to slip right through his attack and then through the ground. That was going to be annoying to fight. A permeation Quirk was troublesome to deal with on its own, and the fact that it could also regenerate made it all the more difficult. The best strategy in this case was to target its brain, which was easier said than done. He barely gave any indication that he received Mei’s message. It was the obvious solution, and everyone present already knew that. As much as he would have liked to keep going, the others seemed to have it under control. Burning and freezing its body were good choices since they damaged cells and slowed regeneration. The heroes fighting the Nomu were well-suited to deal damage and if the way the battle was currently going was any indication, they were well on their way to winning. His intervention wasn’t needed yet. Still, even as he watched the fight, he remained ready. It was going well so far, but he knew all too well that the tides could turn at any moment. And turn the tides did. It was a surprise, but only barely. The Nomu had been killed, with only a single casualty, which wasn’t too bad, all things considered. Unfortunately, it wasn’t over quite yet. Faster than most people could react, something else emerged from the Nomu’s dying body. It was small, no larger than a toddler, but its speed caught everyone off-guard and Akira paid the price. Its razor-sharp wings sliced through him like butter and the ground was dyed red. Time seemed to slow for a moment. Too injured to do anything herself, Mei could only yell desperately for someone to save him. But her words were unnecessary. Gauss was already moving. Quick as a flash, a siphon sphere was between his fingers, charged and ready. It shot from his hand like a bullet, aimed at the flying Nomu as he grabbed Akira’s fallen body. In an instant, his momentum was reversed and he was back to where he started in short order. He glanced down at the boy in his arms as he guided his energy throughout his classmate’s body, stemming the blood loss and mending his wounds somewhat. It wasn’t perfect but it would have to do for now. That was going to take a while to get back. Gauss sighed ruefully as he cracked a grin underneath his helmet. [colour=lime]“And here I thought you were supposed to be invincible, [i]Achilles[/i].”[/colour]