"Hold on there buster. You can't use this thing properly." Camila said putting her finger up as if telling it to hold on a moment. "Now, strike a pose little guy. I'll get your good side." The Pokedex went up and she angled a good shot at the Paras before snapping another picture before she held it out again, a little lower to the ground so he could get a good look at the picture. "I think I got it. You be the judge though, if you like the picture." She added smiling at the cute little bug Pokemon. She looked at the other ones. "Do you guys want your picture taken? Or, I can take one with you all grouped up?" Camila didn't seem all too worried about them attacking her right now, though she wished she had a way to print one out for them if they wanted a picture of themselves. "It's all up to you lot. And your other friends that are hiding right now as well. I swear I'm harmless as long as you are." REalistically, it was probably more like she was talking to herself more than them. She gave a friendly wave and smile to the hiding Ledyba that she could see.