[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] Saber did not buckle under the weight of his kick the way that Berserker expected; there was surprisingly little give to the man, which spoke of how durable the warrior was. Or perhaps just how weak his own attacks were. It was most likely due to his surprise that Hang did not pull his leg back from the kick as quickly as he should have, giving his opponent the opportunity to strike a retaliating blow at the limb. Unfortunately, it looked as if the other Servant had already figured out that regular sword blows would not avail him here and he had a means of imbuing his attacks with magic to get around that; fortunately, it was not a quick process even when lightning bolt were involved and the electrified attack was well telegraphed. Berserker’s leg slipped out from beneath Saber’s sword swing like a lily swirling away in water as he pulled it back to the ground. Using the momentum Hang continued the motion into a spin, rotating on the balls of his feet and bringing his own blade around towards Saber’s head even as the Rogue Servant was completing his own attack. [@Randomguy]