[color=808080][i] How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Months? The water held no clock, the water kept no time. The surface rippled and waited, less and less came to visit it’s depths. Whispers of death, and missing men. That the lake [b]sings.[/b] She watched as the walls went up and buildings grew from the ground. Listened as they visited her shores, a town for the diseased, the deceased, one some prince meant to cure. Rumors about a prophecy, and the God’s will. Curiosity burning as she wanted to know more, would they talk to her, would they scorn her? The screams the first time a body was found. [u]It was an accident.[/u] He wasn’t meant to drown. Too much was taken, too little control and too much hunger. The blackness of the lake was the last thing he saw, a ringing melody in his ears. [b] Why had he gone in the water?[/b] They couldn’t understand. They wouldn’t understand. They hadn’t heard it. If they did, they would’ve gone in too. It took three more bodies before they warned others to stay away. That this town was cursed. But as the seasons changed so did the workers, new ones came. They didn’t believe the stories, yet no one often came to the lake. Too focused on the coming cold and the need for houses. The bright lights from their fire twinkled like stars. A longing that couldn’t quite be ignored. Splashes and ripples along the surface, flashes of pink, and glowing eyes shifting closer to the shore. She watched as hunters passed by, too busy with their own hunger to notice. As guards patrolled the gates. Carriages came, like the ones she remembered. Some came on foot, others running as if being chased by ghost and hounds. Watching as the town started to breath, no longer haunted by a handful of men toiling away in this forgotten place. The new faces were interested, some would come and sit by her. Chatter away about their issues, and she would sit just under the surface and listen as an old friend would do, sometimes there would be a response to her silent reply as if they could hear her or knew she was there. [b]A lie.[/b] In the beginning she had gotten her hopes up that perhaps they did know, a rock tossed back, a soft melody echoed in reply, but there was never a response. They never noticed. Yet with no bodies, or half drowned men they didn’t avoid her shores. How long had it been since she spoke, would her voice even still work? Questions and doubts at war with wanting to reach out, to be noticed. Wistful sighs and longing eyes watched the fire die down for the night. Another day ending just like the last. The swirl of water as the surface rippled. Only the wind to disturb it now. [/i] [/color]