[CENTER][h2][color=00a99d]Cascade[/color][/h2][/CENTER] The imp's reaction certainly did not go well with Cascade. Her eyes widened, and became an unblinking stare of rage. She begins to raise her trident to throw it at the imp, but a warm hand on her shoulder stops her. She looks to Flicker as he makes his point that the imp is trying to rile her up. She decides to trust Flicker on this, and with a nod and a sigh, she lowers her trident. She turns to the imp, and she answers his words applause and words seriously, "[color=00a99d]You heard them. If you do not take my warning seriously, you [u]will[/u] be in true danger,[/color]" She then stows her trident and walks with her new friends to Zephyr. She looks to Jormund as they walk on and she asks, her tone going more into concern, "[color=00a99d]Jormund, Brah, [I]Why[/I] did you suggest him to sell directly to Zephyr?[/color]"