When The Morrigan came to this city, it was not with intentions of taking it over. She came as the Phantom Queen, intent to return the balance to this place. The creatures that go bump in the night were making it almost impossible for mortals to even live in this area and she had seen the future. If this was to remain, the mortals would eventually gather their senses, pull their heads out of their asses and turn on the mythical beings. This could not be allowed. Humans, though mortal as they were, outnumbered them 100:1. If a war did eventually break out, the world would be plunged into darkness and eventually it would come to its end. So, The Morrigan had come to set the score straight and to bring these foolish mythical beings into cull. It took her five years, five agonizing years to finally get the population of this city to recognize her greatness and accept that they should follow her words, however, by that time, she had all but instilled herself as the ruler of this city. No one dared to go against the Phantom Queen's wishes and so, for the sake of the world as she knew it, Morrigan accepted her fate and claimed her throne. The Morrigan is a woman made up of many and one of those aspects took her role as ruler and holder of this land very, very seriously. So when she came to rule this land as her own, she left her mark upon in. The land now spoke to her, well, at least to that aspect of her and when multiple aspects were being pulled upon, it made it hard for The Morrigan to remain focused on the form that she took. Now, happened to be that moment for her. As the man stood to his full height, The Morrigan remained where she was, staring straight ahead at where he was previously. It took her a moment to finally move, almost as if in a trance. Her head cocked to the side as if listening but it wasn't to the man. It was to the land under their feet. It called to her, warned her, spoke to her that trouble was brewing. Huggin peered at her for only a moment before locking his eyes back on the wolf, his feathers fluffing out to make himself look larger as his anger towards the wolf grew. [i]”The choice is yours O' Queen of the Glass Kingdom.”[/i] That did it. Queen. Yes, she was a queen and now her land needed her to be that queen. Her eyes snapped up to the wolf and she stood suddenly. Huggin wobbled a moment as her form flickered. The black of her eyes dulled and for a moment it seemed like things would settle back to how they were. Then Huggin was thrown off her shoulder as she split. Within moments, The Morrigan was no longer one. Three woman now stood before him. One woman stood regal almost as if she was a queen that stepped out of the pages of an Arthurian storybook. She stood over six feet, her body cloaked in silken robes that flowed to the ground below. Her pale black hair glinting in the sunlight. The middle was not too much different from the original form, height and all, but there were now feathers that framed her face and instead of the crazy curls, she instead had a mass of long, inky black feathers as hair. She had a fierce growl on her face and her arms were crossed over her chest. The final form was of an older woman in casual clothes that seemed to have a gentle, motherly look on her face. The curls were obviously from her as her long black hair sat in a curly mess on top of her head and she stood at an average height, just a few inches short of the wolf man. All had their eyes on different. Huggin eventually settled on the royal woman's shoulder, looking like he belonged there all along. The taller of the three raised her hand and the ground under their feet rumbled in response. The feathered one grumbled in annoyance as she fumbled to keep her balance. She turned black eyes onto the wolf again, the sneer never once leaving her face. [b][color=dimgray]”Now you did it, didn't ya. Queen, my ass.”[/color][/b] The third woman turned her eyes to the angrier of the three and slowly shook her head. [b][color=Steelblue]”You know full well that this is her land. Let her do what she feels she needs to.”[/color][/b] Her eyes slowly turned to the wolf and a soft smile crossed her lips. [b][color=Steelblue]”Sorry about all this. Honestly, sometimes we really just need to learn to just talk to people. I feel that would probably be better than these theatrics.”[/color][/b] The bird girl turned to the woman with a huff. [b][color=dimgray]”Us- talk to him? He should have come and talked to us! How hard is it to just go, hey we're new here. Nice to meet you. But nooo, we now have to deal with my royalty over there cause someone”[/color][/b] she turned her black eyes back on the wolf, [color=dimgray][b]”couldn't bother with manners!”[/b][/color]. [color=Darkorange][b]”Be silent!”[/b][/color] The regal form finally spoke as her eyes turned to the angry one, her voice rumbling with the power of the earth she was summoning. [color=Darkorange][b]”Your useless bickering is distracting and if I were to fail because of these distractions, I would be sure to lock you away for a time for your crimes.”[/b][/color] The angry feathered one huffed and looked away from the wolf but she didn't say anything more. It was obvious which one had the most power out of the three in this instance and at the moment, she had her full attention on the woman who was now clawing at her own chest. The ground under the woman shifted and seemed to liquefy. The EMT cried out in panic at the sight as his boot was quickly being drawn into the whirlpool of asphalt and dirt. The man scrambled away from the writhing woman, unsure of what his eyes were seeing. [color=Darkorange][b]”Huggin, if you would be so kind. We will be relocating her below.”[/b][/color]. Huggin took one more nervous look at the wolf man before he hopped off the woman's shoulder and allowed his body to take his human form in midair. He landed on his feet next to the woman and crouched down to grab some of the swirling asphalt. He managed to pull as he drugged some of it up. With a grunt he grabbed a hold of the writhing woman and dumped some of the contents onto her hand. It disappeared under the whirling dirt and the woman cried out as she found that hand now trapped under the ground and struggled as she felt the pull of the earth beginning to pull her down. Huggin then turned to the other hand and did the same thing. At this point, the woman was all but feral, snapping at the air with bloody teeth and trying to free herself as she was slowly pulled into the whirlpool. With a final grunt, Huggin grabbed a large chunk of the shifting asphalt and dumped it onto the woman's midsection. The weight and force from the asphalt cause the woman to grunt out in effort but the battle was lost. She disappeared under the ground, leaving Huggin standing there as the EMT stared at him in astonished horror. Huggin looked to the man, gave a groan before diving into the dirt as well, following the woman below. The regal woman turned to her other two parts and the wolf. Her face was bare of any strong emotion, though it did seem to hint at frustration with the quirk of her eyebrow and the frown line marked just along the side of her cheek. She snapped and the ground in their circle began to shift just as it had under the girl a moment ago. [color=Darkorange][b]”You have a choice to make, wolf. You may come willingly and assist us in handle of this matter. Or you may be forced. Either way, you will find that you will be coming with us.”[/b][/color] At the word forced, the feathered woman smiled and uncrossed her arms, her right hand settling on the gun at her hip. Her black eyes locked once more on the wolf, making it very obvious just how they intended to force him. The regal form slowly began to sink below the ground. The more casually dressed one peered down at the gun and frowned. She gave a small shake of her head, an apologetic look to the wolf, then began her own descent under the ground as well. That left the wolf and the feathered one alone in the circle, the pull of the earth growing stronger and stronger around them. [color=dimgray][b]”I'll give ya to the count of three.”[/b][/color] Her teeth glinted in a vicious grin as she pulled the gun from it's holster. Below, Huggin had used his body to pin the writhing woman to the ground. They found themselves in some kind of tunnel below, perhaps a piece of the sewer or subway system. The woman screamed out and tried to snap at Huggin who dogged her attacks easily. She paddle-wheeled her feet behind him in an attempt to throw him off, arching her back harshly as the magic of the wolf convulsed through her veins. The regal woman floated down from the roof of the tunnel, quickly followed by her other third. Both woman looked to the poor girl under Huggin. [color=steelblue][b]”Perhaps cleansing the blood from her system would solve the issue. It's going to hurt, though I doubt more than it already is.”[/b][/color] Both landed quietly on the ground and began their approach of the woman. Time to get to business.