[Hider=Anathema Dunn] Name: Anathema Dunn Age: 28 Appearance: [Hider=Picture] [Img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.lexica.art%2Ffull_jpg%2Faf25b94f-016e-4491-81d6-c0c3f315541d&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2ed38c54b95f3afecd1fc35307f65b097bd6b003cbaaa81f7179c21c8ef9c7e6&ipo=images [/img][/hider] Race: Human Blight-Born Traits: None Kingdom: Aurelia Role: Sage-Healer Magic: Healing Short Bio: Anathema comes from a middle class family of merchants and scholars. Her inquisitive mind and natural affinity for healing magic led her to pursue the study of healing magic; how to improve the abilities of healers, and to grasp a better understanding of their abilities. Well within the borders of Aurelia, Anathema had never seen a blight-born with her own eyes, but had heard rumors which piqued her curiosity. Her mind rattled with questions, chief of which being: How? When she heard of Dawnhaven, she packed her bags and no protesting from her mother and father would stop her from going. Anathema is determined to assist in studying the blight-born in the hopes of discovering a way to turn back the blight as well as for evidence in her personal research. Misc: Despite her deeply religious upbringing, Anathema questions the existence of the goddesses, and whether or not they are deserving of reverence if they do exist. She believes that the study of the blight, the blight-born, and the miasma may somehow provide insight into the true origin of magic. Anathema keeps a leather-bound journal, written in code, for her private theories, evidence that may support them as well as counter evidence that may negate them (she is nothing if not thorough). She is very protective of this journal, keeping it on her person at all times. [/hider] [Hider=Cassandra Myselii][h3][center][color=powderblue]Cassandra "Cass" Myselii[/color][/center][/h3] [hr] Age: 22 Appearance: [Hider=Cass][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F43%2Fc0%2F34%2F43c034351798820cb38fe22e34db56f1.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d70eb973f7290ca0e93e8b0ccca7a2b17b4b416af1292c8ad7114be0f8f0cacf&ipo=images[/img] [color=powderblue]Height:[/color] 5'9" [color=powderblue]Weight:[/color] 120 lbs[/hider] Race: Blightborn Kingdom: Lunaris Role: Seamstress Blightborn Traits: Cassandra drains mana, in order to do this, she must lay hand upon a magic user. When she is consuming one's mana, they will begin to feel fatigued and will experience lowered magical ability until they've adequately rested. Recovery will vary depending on the ability of the individual and how much Cass consumed. [I]Bioluminescence:[/i] Cass's once light blonde hair is now bioluminescent blue. Typically, this is a neutral quality, but may prove helpful or harmful depending upon the situation. For instance, it may be helpful to see in the darkness, but stealth is entirely impossible. [I]Spores:[/i] Cass can release toxic spores. These spores cause irritation to the eyes and sensitive skin, and induces a comatose state lasting several hours among those who inhale the spores. She may use this both as self defense or to imobilize prey. Freed spores often sprout short-lived, bioluminescent mushrooms. These mushrooms are toxic, eating one will result in vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and chills most often followed by death. [I]Slow Moving:[/i] Cass is normally slow moving. Her walking speed is sluggish, her running speed is the equivalent to a power walk. She is capable of the speed and strength common among blightborns, but only in short bursts followed by a lengthy recovery, often a few minutes activity at this level will require a couple days' recovery--longer if she has not recently consumed mana. Magic: N/A Short Bio: Cass grew up the middlemost child of five in a loving, but woefully poor family in a village farflung from the Lunaris capital. Her family made sure food was put on the table by hunting and foraging to supplement her father's and mother's meager incomes as a carpenter and seamstress. It was when she got lost, moving farther and farther from home as she was foraging, that she succumbed to the blight. She awoke surrounded by glowing, blue mushrooms under the miasma. It was a week before she made her way home, changed, and her parents urged her to leave once again for the family's safety. The village of her childhood has since been emptied out due to the encroaching blight. After spending a year feral, Cass heard of Dawnhaven and began her slow journey. Misc: Cassandra loves animals and adopted a stray cat whom she calls Butternut. She is very careful not to release spores in his vicinity. [Hider=Butternut] [Center][color=orange][h3]Butternut[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [Img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F21aff530fac7749a690d5cc9b3abd314%2Ftumblr_n8u195XVg71sg9amyo1_1280.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1b312421e8c3c0840141a2f9069395460272b58183747756327c634e31be8e2d&ipo=images[/img] [Color=orange]Age:[/color] Adult, approx. 3 years [Color=orange]Size:[/color] Small, 6 lbs [Color=orange]Type:[/color] Goblin[/hider][/hider]