As the group was voicing their respective opinions on the current issue of what to do with these pristine condition crystals. Cleopatra found herself initially to mesmerized to reply as she was proper inspecting the crystal in hand as she held it up to the sunlight for a moment. [color=Mediumpurple]“So pretty”[/color] she muttered quietly before drawing her attention to the group, especially when the conversation went to being drawn to the crystal’s or like being pulled by them. It felt like the group was looking at her when she was totally not talking to herself. [color=Mediumpurple]“What… I like purple, look don’t you guys think it matches my purple highlights?”[/color] Cleo would ask as she held the crystal next to one of her hair highlights. Miranda on the other hand had to shake her head to snap out of looking at Cleo doing Cleo things. [color=Mistyrose][b]“Sometimes I wonder about you”[/b][/color] which only got a snort out of the girl in response. Then she thought about the issue at hand [color=Mistyrose][b]“It was such a good beach day to.”[/b][/color] She joked along with Olivia. She took another good look at the crystal in her hand for a moment, her friends brought up a really good point on the crystal’s. Like, why on earth did she just go plucking one out of the container just like her friends? [color=Mistyrose][b]“Now that you guys mention it, I can’t really explain why I ended up picking this particular crystal, it’s like I was… compelled to pick it?”[/b][/color] she paused for a moment. [color=Mistyrose][b]“It’s Kind of hard to explain, but as much as I would like to have beach day continue, I think seeing the professor is a good idea, some people are starting to stare”[/b][/color] Miranda added motion just over her shoulder, it appeared the odd person was getting curious what the teens where up to.