[quote=@Vertigo] A'ight, this is promising, I'm in Edit: as for having two different threads for main story vs freetime, that's a new take on things, but I'd be down to try it. Potentially an unpopular opinion, but I tend to prefer posting back and forth in a thread rather than doing collabs off-site, and a separate thread sounds like it would facilitate that better. [/quote] Thank you for your opinion in the matter. I would say it's rather unpopular as I see more people migrate over to discord :lol but I understand completely, and I agree it'll facilitate it better. Main Mission IC will be strictly back and forth while the main IC will allow people to post however they please, off-site collabs or back and forth posting. [quote=@RevekaRed] Oooooh, I'm most definitely interested! I've loved Bleach and would love to see how this turns out!! I'll definitely get to brainstorming and fully figuring your combat system as I need to remind myself of several things I've forgotten since I've not watched the show in forever or played their games in forever either. [/quote] Welcome to the site, first and foremost and thank you for your interest. The combat system may seem like a lot but in practice it'll be simple, I promise. You're also not required to have full knowledge of the series as the important information will be posted and explained. If you have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to let me know. [quote=@The World] Absolutely interested, and hoping this'll last longer than the last Bleach RP I tried to join. This looks really promising. [/quote] Bleach RPs have a habit of dying fast... like [i]really[/i] fast. But I believe it's due to most RPs leaving everyone to their own devices which is where interests die or people not feeling important. [i]Every[/i] character here plays a role and will be involved in the story, but with a healthy mix of leaving you guy's to your own devices so you don't feel like you're being railroaded at the same time.