[color=red][h1]Midnight[/h1][/color] Her multi-colored hair swayed with the impending breeze as her mind drifted into thoughts of oblivion during an intensified conversation between her mentor and the rest of the pupils. It was the day of choosing, which one of them were to become chosen to enter the arena and compete for glory, for the ability to move past the Academy of Whispers and seal their fate. Though, fate would be sealed as it was seen fit in the many challenges and obstacles that loomed overhead for them to expect as it wouldn't be deemed simple. The High Council, being made of the most notorious of villains from each of the 4 squadrons, would be the judges of such events taking place. The Assassins had always proven victorious in the end, so Midnight was eager to be selected to hold onto that hope. There could only be one victor...little did she know what awaited.