[color=fff200][b][h2]Ueno Haru[/h2][/b][/color] [hr] Of course the beam didn’t have much of an effect, Haru thought as the beam of searing light simply scalded part of the Nomu’s pale skin, but not much else. These creatures that were once men that walked the Earth had always been resilient, and Haru intended to test the waters, so to speak, before committing to a more powerful attack. As he took mental note of the situation with that particular Nomu, photons rushed into the void that had been created around him, revealing that he was standing in a combat stance, proper legwork ensuring that he can quickly dodge anything that might come his way. That would be when that Nomu, Clap, yes, that was the monster’s name, finally turned its attention to him and Hebi. Haru readied to get out of the way while charging another blast of solar energy. Photons began streaming back in. He determined to try to blind it this time, sear away its eyes with the most atrocious light show he could conjure without expending too much energy. It would have been a kaleidoscopic explosion of colors as bright as ten suns put together, all shining in a small, concentrated spot. Nomu, for one reason or another, usually lacked eyelids. That was something Haru wished to take advantage of. He didn’t know if it had sensory quirks to ignore getting blinded, but ripping away the foul creature’s eyesight was something he was willing to bet on. That is, until it moved blindingly fast, catching him by surprise. “It is coming!...” Haru managed, before Yusuku moved in and became a shield, quite literally. The burning snakes that were his hair became one barrier, preventing Clap from turning the two heroes into red stains, but then Haru saw tendrils of… was that flesh? Tendrils of flesh penetrated Yusuke’s body. Haru imagined the pain must be unbearable. He had nothing to say to the Nomu. This was no villain with a sympathetic backstory or small-time thief that could be reasoned with, somehow. A Nomu was simply that: a Nomu. A creature of simple thoughts and simple motivations, one that has shed all humanity to become the perfect killing machine. This world does not require the existence of such creatures! “Close your eyes,” Haru said to Yusuke and Hebi as he made two glimmering suns in front of himself. Photons were once again consumed and redirected. The suns quickly crashed towards the Nomu, exploding into strange, scintillating patterns of kaleidoscopic light as soon as they met its face. Haru would then jump out of its way, not trusting that simply trying to blind the Nomu might be enough, and begin charging another, stronger beam of light.