[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240715/4d955c3c8c0fc774f7249750e1a38444.png[/img] [hr][hr] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/E8jXZb5.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [sub][color=f5bd02][b]Current Moon Phase:[/b][/color] Waning Gibbous | [color=f5bd02][b]Current Weather:[/b][/color] 35 Degrees, a light breeze and cloudy skies | [color=f5bd02][b]Current Time:[/b][/color] 7am[/sub][/center] [hr] [sub]In the early hours of the morning, guards and squires diligently posted flyers on the doors of every home in Dawnhaven, ensuring that no townsfolk remained unaware of a royal summons. The bright parchment was also prominently displayed at the Inn and in the Town Square, where villagers gather for news and trade. [/sub] [Img][/img] [quote][sub][i]Hear Ye, Hear Ye! By Royal Decree of His Highness, Prince Flynn, and Her Highness, Princess Octavia, All townsfolk are hereby requested to attend a grand town meeting to be held in the Town Square when the moon is halfway up in the western sky, at the hour of 10am today. Gather forth to hear important proclamations and share your voice with the realm. May Seluna's light and Aelios's warmth guide us all. By Order of the Crown[/i][/sub][/quote]