[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zaIifGv.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [i][center][color=lemonchiffon][sub][sub]…Tin… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Tiiiin……[/sub][/color] …Ga… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Gaaaaa……[/sub][/color] …Ra… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Raaaaaaaa……[/sub][/color][/sub][/sub] The night sky above her was littered with light. Stars flowed across her vision, illuminating the darkness with a river of color. Aquamarine, pearl, emerald, lavender. There was no moon in the sky to compete with the galaxy the stars mapped out. No sun. There hadn’t been sun for months. And so the heavens shined. She couldn’t feel her body. She didn’t have one. There was no skin to feel the biting chill, no eyes to count the constellations. It simply [u]was[/u]. It was boundless. It was nothing. She was a blinding moment in the quiet of eternity, stretching out to the last syllable of recorded time. The constellations condensed, clouds of matter becoming as real as her body — they weren’t nebulae. They were mountains. They were countless trees building a forest. They were drifting snowflakes, pale against the shadowed night. [/color][/center] [sub][sub][color=2e2c2c]What is your name, child?[/color][color=lemonchiffon]…Tin… [center]…Ga…[/center][/color] [right][color=lemonchiffon]…Ra…[/color][color=2e2c2c]Who gave it to you?[/color][/right][/sub][/sub] [center][color=lemonchiffon]A burning gaze seared the skin of her back. The force of it was undeniable as it commanded her forward. Step by step, she walked. Unseeable eyes measured her all the while. They lead her from behind, over gnarled roots — around the glistening surface of a lake — to a shadowed pit carved into the side of a mountain, as deep and fathomless as the sky. And there, from within the midnight, something shined. [/color][/center] [color=2e2c2c][sub]What is the sun, Tingara?[/sub][/color][center][color=lemonchiffon]A star.[/color][/center][right][color=2e2c2c][sub]One of many.[/sub][/color][/right] [center][color=lemonchiffon]It flickered in the darkness, a wisp of light too thin to grasp. The presence at her back urged her forward, the weight of it so scalding it nearly blistered her skin. Step by step, she walked. The darkness swallowed her. It consumed her with its inescapable gravity, pulling her deeper. She became lost in the void, the stretching, aching [u]nothingness[/u]. It erased the boundaries that made her, one by one. She was boundless. She was nothing. She was a suffocating moment in the quiet of eternity, stretching out to the last syllable of recorded time. [/color][/center] [color=2e2c2c][sub]Where are the stars, Tingara?[/sub][/color][center][color=lemonchiffon]Above.[/color][/center][right][color=2e2c2c][sub]And below.[/sub][/color][/right] [center][color=lemonchiffon]They glittered above her — crystals embedded into the midnight stone of the cave. A spectrum of blues and violets sparkled, illuminating the darkness with a river of color. There was no moon in the cavern to compete with the galaxy the crystals mapped out. No sun. There hadn’t been sun for months. And so the heavens shined. [sub][sub]…Tin… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Tiiiin……[/sub][/color] …Ga… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Gaaaaa……[/sub][/color] …Ra… [color=2e2c2c][sub]......Raaaaaaaa……[/sub][/color][/sub][/sub][/color][/center][/i]