[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Early Morning[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya eye crept open, the "morning” was dark, same as every other morning and this had caused great distress and confusion at first until people found a rhythm of a sort, people went to bed, there was a morning though everyone had their own perception and version of the perceived time. This morning was different to others as she was entangled in another person, no, woman as they felt too light and curved to be male. Olivia, Oliva had joined her in the night and she smiled, waking up to another person next to you willingly was not a pleasure she had in over a year. sleep came at her again… Sya fell back to sleep and snuggled back up deciding to get a few more minutes rest, she closed her eye and pressed herself into Olivia drawing comfort. She finally woke up properly the next time she found wakefulness moving on her, unsure how much time had passed and looked around realising it was not a dream with somewhat of a giggle and content sigh. She had no desire to disentangle herself and did with regret and without hurry, placing slow lingering kiss on her bed partner's lips as a good morning before she pulled away regretfully looking around for where her clothes were kept and the comforting weight of her long dagger on the bed side table. Stretching as she sat, she was a little sore from the prior day and an idea came to mind. [color=a2d39c]“I'm gonna go to the hot springs, I can be open for late morning to lunch, one day I can hire someone, Becky. I need to talk about a potential job. I'll see you tonight if not before.”[/color] Sya said softly with a smile at the end, even if they were busy it seemed they would have time at least at night. [color=a2d39c]“No rest for the emberkin”[/color] She said with more humour than it deserved, her local Birth term for a blightborn, two she knew out of…how many ... .and she was the only one of those two alive she knew existed. Sya moved to get dressed, first braiding her hair into a French style deliberately choosing the one that showed her more as a woman than a worker. she had more to her life now, more to show the world that she was more than the one who kept them fed and drunk. Clothes she had less choice, her wardrobe was somewhat limited but of good quality for her place, if a bit boring and dull. Bright beautiful colours and styles and material others wore she was yet to be able to afford. One day, just not today. She paused in the bedroom. door, her more sensitive hearing picked up the signs that people were beginning to wake up and start their day, people were moving and she would have to too. She had to put a note on the door, check on Becky, the kitchen before she could go to the hot springs … Sya however left her hooded robe behind, she felt not the cold and had no need of its warmth, but its concealment and she decided that she no longer wanted to do that all the time. Her hair ran down her back in looser branded curls and eye glittered a bright blue with her pale ear tips poking visible against the brown. She paused at the door handle in her small pale hand and took 30 seconds to compose herself before she faced the outside world. [@amorphical]