[h1]Witch's Household[/h1] [hr] "... Magic beer?" Ilsa gave a blank stare. "If that's what you're going to make with alchemy then I'm not sure if you should learn," she commented with a sigh, "But fine. Mostly, Alchemy comes down to understanding the components of what you're trying to make. You can think of it sort of like a recipe, even if you're not trying to make a tonic or potion." She paused for a few moments. "It's not exactly my area of expertise, so I can't really demonstrate for you and I'm not really feeling like doing so anyway," she continued, "But you'd be best off starting with a simple tonic if you wanted to try it. Maybe something that can make your hair grow, or heal light wounds. Those are going to be simple and close to ordinary brewing. There's some books in the library that might help you." Before Relki could butt in again, Ilsa was quick to step forward and continue, casting a glare towards the Raven familiar before she spoke. "As for making a familiar, you need to have enough mana to sustain one and a lost spirit, plus an animal to use," she explained, "It's pointless to even bother setting up the ritual until you have these components." The Substitute Witch of the Forest crossed her arms, inclining her head towards the goblin and narrowing her eyes. It was clear that she wasn't taking the information she was giving lightly, and at this point was starting to feel as if perhaps she had been [i]too[/i] unreservedly helpful. "You [i]better[/i] repay me for helping you out this much, though. I wasn't planning on it until I learned just how clueless you are. And if you make a mess, I won't forgive you." Before she could say or do anything else, Relki suddenly wrapped her arms around her from behind, hugging the witch and patting her head. "H-hey?! What?! S-stop it!" "Darling little Ilsa acts so standoffish, but she's a good girl," commented the black-haired familiar, which only seemed to make Ilsa struggle more. "L-let go---!" Meanwhile, in the garden, the little fairy looked quite upset at being spoken to in such a way. "Muuuu, she said not to follow us! We can talk! Not that I understand why you're not supposed to follow..." folding her arms, the tiny girl pouted, looking away as she remained in the air behind the medusa, now. The mushroom creatures, vaguely human-shaped and with shiny black eyes beneath their red caps, peered up at the medusa and silently tilted their heads. Given their apparent lack of necks, it seemed more like they were just tilting most of their bodies to achieve this outcome. There were six, the largest of which barely reached Colleen's knee, taking a spot at the head of the group. Unlike the others, it was pointing in an almost accusatory fashion towards Colleen, with one of its stubby little fingers. "I think they're worried you'll rip up the bush they live under," the fairy helpfully supplied, without bothering to explain just what the little mushroom creatures were. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]