[hider=Mejiro Tsukiko] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240715/72e4922a67111fc3c557b381f3447d6f.png[/img][/center] [hider=Tsukiko][img]https://i.ibb.co/DpFw0rm/Tsukiko.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=B7C9E2][b]Name[/b][/color] [indent]Mejiro Tsukiko (目黒月子)[/indent] [color=B7C9E2][b]Gender[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=B7C9E2][b]Age[/b][/color] [indent]20[/indent] [color=B7C9E2][b]General Physical Description[/b][/color] [indent]Small and slim at just over five feet, Tsukiko doesn't quite look her age, and as long as she keeps her head covered, she doesn't stick out in many crowds. Once she takes the hood off, though, she tends to draw attention instead. The most notable piece of her appearance is its sheer paleness. Fair skin, white hair, white eyes, and predisposed to white clothing, she stands out like a lit candle in a dark room, or a thin slice of sunlight through a door held ajar. There always seems to be a faint smile on her face when she's speaking to people, faint and perhaps a bit self-satisfied, like she's thinking of something else far away from her conversation even when she's quite engaged. But regardless how engaged she is, don't expect her to make eye contact with you, as Tsukiko is entirely blind, and has been her entire life. Still, most people have no idea. Her other senses compensate for it rather well, even when her magic doesn't, and she's able to function almost the same as a normal person, if not even better at times; she carries herself with confidence, and it doesn't seem to intrude on any combat that may occur at all. In fact, that mysterious smile of hers can carry an implication that even then, she sees more than she's letting on. And for reasons nobody can fully understand, she seems to always be followed by the heady scent of lilac and lavender.[/indent] [color=B7C9E2][b]Role[/b][/color] [indent]Lunar Sage[/indent] [color=B7C9E2][b]Abilities/Formal Knowledge[/b][/color] [indent][color=B7C9E2][u]Light Magic:[/u][/color] Tsukiko's most powerful and defining trait is her ability to channel and manipulate light. Though sunlight is of course subject to her powers, as a Lunar Sage they grow more potent during the night, waxing and waning with the moon. From weaving light into concrete objects to searing enemies in combat with blasts of silver and gold, this ability is the most notable she has. [color=B7C9E2][u]Lightsense:[/u][/color] And part and parcel of her light magic is how she's able to move so smoothly despite her blindness: she may not be able to [i]see[/i] light, but she can [i]feel[/i] it. She's able to create a kind of...3d map in her head by using her magic to feel where light is and isn't. She can't feel color, she can't see patterns; but solely in terms of objects, she essentially has 360 degree vision, at least of a sort, though it can be a bit foggy and imprecise while the sun is up, and of course in places where there's little to no light it grows faint or absent completely. All that being said, this isn't really a [i]passive[/i] thing: she does have to consciously focus in order to utilize it, and if used for too long, it can exhaust her and prompt a recoil of confusion and disorientation afterwards. But it's a powerful tool, to be sure. [color=B7C9E2][u]Acute Senses:[/u][/color] Along with her lightsensing, Tsukiko has a more pedestrian ability on her side: to compensate for her sight, all of her other senses are quite a bit sharper. She can hear things that other people might not be able to, tell (roughly) what's around her by the way the air moves off of objects, and so on and so forth. This doesn't edge into the supernatural or absurd, of course, but it serves as an excellent early warning system that might prompt her to use her lightsense so she can really tell what's going on. [color=B7C9E2][u]Sage's Rapport:[/u][/color] While her blindness precludes from doing things like reading, or writing with any degree of precision, she's still a Lunar Sage, which can perhaps open doors for her in places where a Sage of any variety may command a degree of respect.[/indent] [color=B7C9E2][b]Personality[/b][/color] [indent] [hider=Favors][color=green][b]+[/b][/color][color=B7C9E2][u]Sweet:[/u][/color] On the whole, Tsukiko is pretty nice to be around. She's a very kind person at heart and offers it liberally to most everyone around her, even those that may stand in opposition to her. A firm believer in the healing power of a smile, she truly loves people and wants them to be as happy as they can. [color=green][b]+[/b][/color][color=B7C9E2][u]Moral:[/u][/color] In addition to that kindness, Tsukiko is the proud owner of a very powerful moral compass, and believes that all people are basically good, and they only need the chance to show it. Very much [i]chaotic good,[/i] she's not one to let laws and strictures get in the way of what she believes to be the right thing to do. Of course, she never breaks the law with impunity, she's not a fool and works within it as long as it's possible. But if her guiding principles overpower the potential consequences, she'll do what she must to meet them. [color=green][b]+[/b][/color][color=B7C9E2][u]Canny:[/u][/color] It may come as a surprise to those that see her smiley exterior or hear her extolling the innate goodness of people, but Tsukiko is quite a shrewd individual and tends to be good at judging how any given scenario may play out, and how best to work within that scenario to reach the outcome she believes to be the best. Such is how she's so good at pursuing her morals alongside the law, even if they may contradict it: she's a good judge of how people think and is skilled at leveraging it.[/hider] [hider=Disfavors][color=red][b]-[/b][/color][color=B7C9E2][u]Vindictive:[/u][/color] As one who has not uncommonly been assumed as frail, fragile, or uncapable because of her blindness, Tsukiko has developed a bit of a spiteful streak that can come out on occasion. It's not particularly common in everyday life, and she doesn't begrudge people not understanding how her powers work. But if people question her abilities or standing even after she demonstrates that she's perfectly competent, she tends to simmer with suppressed frustration and anger that can boil over at inopportune moments. [color=red][b]-[/b][/color][color=B7C9E2][u]Duplicitous:[/u][/color] Just as she's predisposed to genuine smiles as described, and just as she's good at leveraging social situations to her own ends, she's also rather skilled in in [i]false[/i] smiles. She has a tendency to be two-faced, most especially around people she doesn't trust, but occasionally even with her closest friends, and she's [i]good[/i] at it. It's a habit she's aware of and struggles to get a handle on, and she often catches herself in the act and corrects it. But even if she's aware of it, it's a habit regardless, and it can cause people to distrust her. [color=red][b]-[/b][/color][color=B7C9E2][u]Self-Righteous:[/u][/color] Another foible that she struggles to control and subsume is her ingrained sense of self-superiority. The dark side to that powerful morality, she has a tendency to naturally assume that she's in the right of a problem. It's not an unbreakable thing; if you prove to her she's wrong, then she'll eat her words with at least some measure of grace. But it can take a bit of doing to convince her she's in the wrong. It's less common these days as she's been mostly successful in downplaying it, but in higher stress situations especially there's still a not unlikely chance it'll rear its head again.[/hider] [hider=Ambiguities][color=purple][b]-+[/b][/color][color=B7C9E2][u]Secretive:[/u][/color] Neither a boon nor a blight upon her character is the simple fact that she tends to speak little about herself. She doesn't speak little overall; while she's not a particularly talkative individual, she's also not excessively reticent. No, this is almost exclusive to talking about [i]herself,[/i] especially her history and dreams for the future. That's not to say she point-blank refuses to talk about herself, but rather she tends to move the conversation when it starts to drift to subjects she'd rather not touch on.[/hider] [/indent] [color=B7C9E2][b]Public Knowledge[/b][/color] Tsukiko was born, raised, and trained in the south, and how and why she ended up in the Eastern Region is unknown. Some say that she left out of protest for the incredibly long and powerful dynasty of the Southern Region; some say that she was chased out for speaking out against them; some say that she's a spy sent by them to weaken the East. Whatever the reason, her secretive nature holds strong, and she's not telling anyone (except the spy theory. When that comes up, she denies it without exception). [/hider]