There is a swelling storm, and Mal was caught up in the middle of it. It wanted to pull him downward into the squall. It wanted to tell him that he was wrong about everything. It wanted to tell him with bellows of thunder that every event in his life was the very result of Mal himself. What are you? Dark eyes, all the darker still below the surface of the ground in this grave to which he was forced into, moved to the now limp body of the woman. His attention moved at last from the face of demise, towards that of the ‘Queen’. Then, it moved to the creature which obviously served her by will and power. It ran through his veins all the more bitter. What are you? It may seem like a thousand years, an hour, or much too long, but with that deadly black eye of the weapon pointed in his direction, Mal responded in the matter of only a moment. A moment filled with those self doubts. Because, the truth was, the man had no fucking clue. “Closest thing I can answer with, or at least without lying to you, is that I am a Ship of Theseus Paradox. I am -not- a Werewolf. I am -not- a shadow underneath a bed. And also, I can’t do that…” A hand motioned without turning his eyes towards the now dead thing slumped at a nearby corner of the wall. “…to either of you ” Fear did not fill him but hesitation did. No sudden movements now, slowly, carefully, and clearly within view the man took hold the edge of his jacket and pulled it open. Below against his chest was no leather strapped pistol, or even knife, and bare fingers slowly… clearly.. dipped into one of the various pockets tailored into the fabric. Though it shined like silver, I can assure you, the flask was pulled free and was made merely brushed stainless steel. The cap was casually unscrewed, and as always Mal seemed to move as if all the time in the world was on his side. It was lifted to his lips, the pungent smell of Honey Jack Whisky remained on his lips as it was lowered. Soft pink tongue of his collected the flavor from the lower of his two, and while those oak hues held the woman… the man could not help but glance towards the Bird with all the hatred inside him held for such creatures. “I can see that the Lady has at least heard of it, but for you? Well I’ll explain it in slow simple terms so perhaps you can follow along. Hope I can manage before you see something shiny and go rushing after it like a cheerleader dropping her panties for an American football player.” The careful process of opening his jacket, the casual manner of replacing the flask to its hidden compartment just below the outline of that drawing book. “A museum gets a relic of a boat.” His finger twirls in the air as if spinning yarn upon its touch. “Over time some of the boards rot. So, they get to work and replace those planks. More time passes, and they have to replace rusted parts. At which point is it no longer the ship, but rather something new?” Chest lifted, ribs pushed outward against the flesh, and further expanded against the front of his jacket before the sigh was released. A heavy thing, a tired thing, a thing with so many words that could be used to describe, but the true answer? Well there weren’t many truths to that these days. “I’m not a Werewolf, because that is a single word. I have a Wolf inside of me. Yes, that word may have fit at one point, but over the years and through my attempts at killing the bastard…” In this hollow space below the world to which humanity treads above, his hard soled shoes (Never tennis shoes) clacked against the ground like muffled claps. To the woman, the slumped figure, Mal did stray. Crouching down beside it, gentle hands took hold of limp wrists, and placed them delicately in that lap that never would bounce a child while playing horsey again. “... all I have left is to wonder where that line was. What and when exactly was it that it became something different? What or when exactly did I get changed in the pursuit?” A slow shake of his head, his hands now covering the still and cooling touch of the corpse, as his gaze now fell to solely the remains for just one of those moments which Mal seemed to always drag his feet through. “May you find your ocean. May you find your field. May you find your peace.” A shake of his head, a senseless murder, a loss of light, life, and soul. All because the man had dared to save her life. Murder, not the kind that meant the collection of the bird's kind, showed clear in his eyes as he looked at the creature near the Queen. Yes, even if it wasn’t with words, a promise was made. It may be the Wolf, or it may be the man, but at some point those hollow bones would be ground beneath his teeth. No threat however was there when his gaze moved to the woman with the gun. No, Mal didn’t fancy a black ball surrounding his skull. Didn’t even fancy feeling his own bones snap. “And so I answer your request. I’m the damned fool who made himself into what you saw, and her name by the way was Bethany. Bethany Townsend. Not that either of you asked.” Rising to his feet, the man stood tall, wounds all but healed, all but mended. The shell of humanity once more clean, well save for the drying blood upon his skin. Save for the wounded sense of another murder upon his hands. What are you? The Wolf, that was not a Wolf anymore, laughed in the hollow chambers of his mind. Laughed with fangs. Laughed with greed. Laughed with knowledge that even this answer could not fully answer the question Mal asked himself so many times. “To the unspoken question, I didn’t cleanse anything. Not in the way you mean. She wasn’t changing, but rather something inside of her was growing like a parasite. I told you from the start, it would come ripping out of her. It’s not a curse anymore, not in the way you’re thinking by the word Werewolf. It’s a cancer, forming its own cells, and structure.” A step forward towards the woman, always that casual manner, never threatening, nor shying away from that black eye of a pistol that stared him down. “Though, if you pull that trigger, in this confined bit of space? Well, you might just get your answers. In the least you’ll have a better understanding through experiencing first hand the effects. Better way to learn I suppose then any words I can provide. Could give a damn less about that…” Motion towards the (Not raven or crow, but simply…) bird. “However, I’ve seen enough pretty things die today. So, how about you lower that, and we just go about being as friendly as we can be?”