[Centre][H2][color=bc8dbf]Lord and lady Coswain[/color][/H2][/Centre] [Centre][H3][color=bc8dbf]Eye of Beholder[/color][/H3][/Centre] [color=6ecff6]“Come on lazy bones, before pwople take good stuff Seph”[/color] Coswain laughed as he helped Persephone up, they had woken up and had never changed, the woman was not a morning person, her … abilities meant that ever since the endless night Persephone had dreams that where.. rather vivid and very much unbecoming to a good night's sleep. She always had abilities but the endless night had maximised the Lunarian powers dramatically. For some it was more disturbing than helpful. They were dressed in their standard wear having left the armour elements sat in a neat Stack, though coswain could not help but wear his sword. He did not feel right without it. They had things to do, including what was left on her horse. Her other kit, clothes and so on were left on her mount's saddle bags. [color=bc8dbf]“Fine Adon. let's go, I do get hangry”[/color] She said with a smile. The room they had was not great but it was better than soldiers had been billeted before and they had managed then, separate and together. Heading down they found the innkeeper was not about but breakfast was not hard to find and the kitchen was pretty clean.. especially the oven and its metal door. There was cold meat, cheese, some older bread and more than enough to make a good breakfast for a Lunarian. They were well used to making do with what they had and what selene chose to give you. You just made the best of it. [color=bc8dbf]“Prince is looking to make an announcement, must be big news for someone to leave these over town”[/color] Persephone read the document that was left at the Inn and reread if she missed a context or between the lines details. There was none, it was pretty much a benign note all considered. No hidden court trickery, plots or evidence of manipulations… boring really for Persephone who was used to the capital's rather labarathyine nature. [color=6ecff6]“Nothing spicey. Listen to a Prince, no seeming plots”[/color] Coswain agreed as he read the note he was passed, it was far less intrigue than the life they lead before this. [color=bc8dbf]“Pregnant?” [/color]Persephone mused maybe the marriage had paid off or it was something entirely dull like a new clock or so. The town really did need a clock thinking about the fact. It was morning but what morning? How did people even arrange to meet when they not even know the time? [color=6ecff6]“Who knows. well done, I had sex, we had much sex and made a baby. Its not hard, rather fun, but still.”[/color] Adonis said about the whole announcement subtext and found it pretty odd, however important the child Is. [color=bc8dbf]“That's…”[/color] Persephone could not help but burst out laughing at the whole comment, the announcement meant exactly that if you really dug down. It might not be the most polite but the inn was quiet and they were at a private spot near the counter. [color=bc8dbf]“Moon measurements. very accurate.” [/color]She said with a logical point that had Adonis just nodding, someone better tell him to buy a clock before winter. [color=bc8dbf]“Stable man, we need to find. I hope he knows his horses, mines…”[/color] Her horse was not the most tame and took rather firm hands to keep under your control, half the battle of such a horse was earning its respect so it accepted you. They were fickle too, you Had to find a horse you could work with. A skilled stable master could do the job, but she hoped he was. [color=6ecff6]“Able to be a pain in the purse, ass and I also love you despite it”[/color] Adonis said with a lazy grin as she slapped his arm not walling doing much to the leather padding. [color=bc8dbf]“I claim the concussion that I said yes, and said you where handsome.”[/color] She replied back with good nature. [color=6ecff6]“Aye, I think I know him by sight and where it is. We can go find him Seph. About 20 years too late love. You used Lady Coswain already.”[/color] It was strange getting being reunited, a good strange as duty had kept them parted for years of their not marriage when they added it up, duty had come first and they had served. Maybe being send here was not as much a exile as it could be. [color=bc8dbf]"I think priest would drown us than marry us. The old clan ceremony, only need a lunarian noble."[/color] They talked for a while, wandering topics, from banter to more serious and practical including asking Sya if she allow Persephone to use the oven to bake at times, even Throne Agents needed hobbys.