The Morrgan's gray eyes were locked on the wolf, she had not blinked for even a moment. She followed his every move, his every gesture, hung on his every word. When he moved his eyes to the woman she had just rid herself of, he gave off small hints of distaste. She allowed her eyes a moment to flicker to the girl's corpse on the ground before returning them to the wolf. Did she have to kill the girl? Surely she had not done anything wrong. That wasn't the problem, however. The problem was that there was this mysterious wolf who now stood before her, showing skills she had never seen before and if a fight were to break out in this tunnel, there would be one side the girl would decide to join if she chose to interfere and that side was not Morrigan's. She did feel a slight ping of guilt as Mal explained himself, saying how he just was not the man he had once been before, almost to the extent of being unsure if he could truly call himself the original then explained he could [i]not[/i] do to them what she just did to the girl. It was most likely that he was lying to her but it still made the motherly aspect of herself hold a pang of guilt and sorrow for the lost soul. However, the deed was done and they could not undo it. Not without extensive equipment and circles, which she did not have here in this tunnel. When he pulled the flask out of his jacket and opened it, The Morrigan took a deep breath. Her magic pulsed for a moment and her senses clung to the smell of the liquor. She released a slow exhale and an image of the very liquor he took a sip from danced behind her gray eyes. Whiskey, aged and sweet. She released a harsh huffed to get the smell out of her nose as she slowly relaxed her stance. No man who was looking to do battle would pull a flask from his jacket and take a sip. Perhaps, she had over reacted to a degree. Oh well. It was a mortal woman. She had, at most, another thirty years left to her life before she would perish. There was no reason to condemn herself for a such a short life getting cut shorter than it was intended. Humans didn't even live to be two hundred. When Mal addressed Huggin, he tensed his shoulder and flexed his fingers on the gun. His finger was not near the trigger, yet, but he had not exactly turned the gun's safety on either. When he made a comment about how Huggin would run off to find something shiny, the man snarled and his finger twitched every so lightly, begging to be placed on the trigger. [color=crimson][b]”You dare?!”[/b][/color] However, before he could get too upset, The Morrigan wrapped her arms around him and placed a hand on his cheek, a possessive stance to make it [i]very[/i] clear that Huggin was her and she would not allow him to be tormented just because this wolf boy had a thing against him. What was that thing, it was anyone's guess. But it was about that time she brought it to an end. [color=goldenrod][b]”Let's leave my sweet Huggin be, shall we?”[/b][/color] She asked as her eyes flashed black and black feathers quickly grew out of and shrunk back into her skin along her cheeks and jawline before turning each curl into a long, glistening feather then allowing the curls to return back to their original selves. The angry bird third was very much aware and she was not pleased. This was her Huggin, [i]hers[/i], no one else's and she does not like to share her things. It's very obvious at this point, a particular aspect was more dominant than the others, and the feathered third was not too fond of the wolf. The Morrigan kept her arms tightly around Huggin's shoulders as the man made his way to the dead girl. She watched, almost disinterested until he crouched and rested the girl's hands in her lap. He continued then, questioning where the line was drawn and when the change actually happened. The Morrigan let out a small laugh before muttering a quite from Alice in Wonderland, [color=goldenrod][b]”at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then. We've all been there hun. You think ones as old as us have remained the same through all this time?”[/b][/color] She shook her head as she rested her chin on Huggin's shoulder, watching the wolf with annoyance. This was becoming tedious. When he gave them the name of the girl, Morrigan threw her arms into the air, much like a preteen in a bout of frustration. [color=goldenrod][b]”Who cares?[/b][/color] She asked in annoyance. [color=goldenrod][b]”I have never seen a wolf so mopey! She was [i]mortal[/i]. She had maybe another twenty years left of her life, tops. A human life, for people like us, it's a blink of an eye. You, wolf, Mal thing. How old are you? I bet it's older than her, probably by a few decades, yeah. And guess what, you'll live decades more. Centuries if you play your cards right. She's going to just be a forgotten memory, nothing but a nameless, faceless mortal you passed in your life, just like all the rest.”[/b][/color] The Morrigan released Huggin and stomped over to the girl, resting a foot on her chest and leaning forward. She put her face in front of Mal's and sneered at him. [color=goldenrod][b]”This mortal played her part. She should be thankful to have been of use in the service of us. Warriors fall every day and she played her part well. She gave us you.”[/b][/color] She was tempted to just crush the girl under heels. Her anger and frustration on the matter was all too evident. However, it wasn't so much Mal that was causing her so much frustration, though he was the target of her words. It was the motherly third. She spoke softly of how life was precious and they were not just the goddess of war but also of fertility and birth. She kept condemning them on taking a life so easily and that there surely was a better route than to just kill the girl out right. It was driving her insane. Maybe if she just burned the body to ash, the discussion would be ended and she could finally move on past it. She threw her hand out and black flames burst on her palm. Her eyes were locked on the girl's body but she couldn't bring herself to burn the corpse. Something kept her hand firmly in place and no matter how much she tried to bring her own will into being, another kept it locked firmly in place. It was when Mal said he had seen enough pretty things die today that The Morrigan cried out in frustration and extinguished the flames. She threw her head back and released a roar of frustrated annoyance [color=goldenrod][b]”Fine! Fine, we'll bring her back. Happy now?”[/b][/color] She dropped her head, her fists clenched so tightly that her nails dug into her palms. [color=goldenrod][b]”Stupid girl. Stupid Anand. Always worried about stupid mortals.[/b][/color] She waved a hand and the black magic condensed under the corpse, rising it off the ground. [color=goldenrod][b]”Huggin. Go home and prepare. Reveal the circle, get,”[/b][/color] she paused a moment and stared at the woman, as if weighing her, [color=goldenrod][b]”a deer along the way. I believe a deer would be equivalent enough in weight. I shall begin the circle here. We can't be carrying a dead body along the streets and I doubt, what was your name again,[/b][/color] she said as she looked to Mal before waving her hand in dismissal, [color=goldenrod][b]”Nevermind, doesn't matter. I'm sure you can't fly all too well, wolf.”[/b][/color] She began to walk in a circle on the ground, just as she had before when they were on the street, however, these steps were more complex. It was almost as if she danced with her foot placements. Each step causing lines to form and connect to the previous. Huggin watched her for a moment, his mouth open in a slack jaw look of shock, then he turned his eyes on the wolf and sneered. [color=crimson][b]”You harm even a single feather on her and I will hunt you down, tear you to shreds, and scatter your remains to every corner of the earth.”[/b][/color] The Morrigan let out a laugh without even pausing on her work. [color=goldenrod][b]”As if he could even attempt it. Leave Huggin. You have a task to get to.”[/b][/color] With that, Huggin turned to his bird form and flew off to find an exist and get to the work he was asked to do. All the while, Morrigan continuing her smooth dance, the circle under her feet growing more and more intricate as the body hovered just over her shoulder, out of the way and safe from the flow of magic that was quickly growing in intensity. [color=goldenrod][b]”Such a pain.”[/b][/color] She muttered.