Does a marionette ever feel the strings? Or do they just feel the whirl of the dance, the pulse of the music? She moves, and did the string pull, or was it just the right movement in the moment? Another string pulls, but she's moving beforehand to-- Don't you hear it? Not as the ears hear, but as the heart, as the feet, coming up through the floor and pounding in every cell of her being-- She's not a puppet of Dionysus--she's his dance partner. His fingers sit on her hips, her back against his chest, his breath runs down her neck and into her fingers. What to ask? What to find? What to make? The chairs, the chairs, it comes down to the chairs, floor to ceiling, heavens to abyss. You can't enter the same parameters and expect the experiment to come out different. So what if there's a universe with a normal Dyssia? Or a universe with a Dyssia who chose not to become a Knight? Who cares about that? What's the point? The chairs. A world without--the consuming hunger, desire that destroys. What did Demeter do? Why isn't Hades here? … what would happen if Hades [i]were[/i] here? The strings are pulling, but already her fingers pirouette across the keyboard.