[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/sfL4M8x.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240501/f05a736427987502b04e7512136c14ae.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Royal Cabin [/sub][/cell][/row][/table] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/le1ANvK.gif[/img] [table][row][/row][row][cell][sub][i]Flynn breathed in the warm scent of vanilla as he rested his chin atop a head of raven-colored hair, his arms wrapped around the small body of a woman nestled against his chest. He closed his eyes, feeling the way she traced shapes across his bare chest with her fingers, her body warm against his beneath the cover of blankets. [color=DBA73D]“We should be free…”[/color] She whispered. He grimaced in silence, only hugging her tighter to his chest. [color=DBA73D]“It isn’t fair.”[/color] [color=337d71]“I know.”[/color] He responded softly, wishing desperately for time to stand still. [color=DBA73D]“We could run away. Disappear.”[/color] [color=337d71]“Octavia-”[/color] The woman looked up at him, pale blue eyes piercing through to his soul. Wait. Octavia? His mind froze, trying to make sense of the person lying on his chest. Nyla. Time seemed to glitch for a moment as his brain struggled to understand where he was. Had he only dreamt up the last two months? [color=DBA73D]“Who cares about the crown?”[/color] Her voice, sultry and soft, pulled him back, disrupting his thoughts. She sat up and straddled him, a playful, mischievous look on her face. [color=DBA73D]“We’d have each other.”[/color] Flynn looked up at her, conflicted. [color=337d71]“I-”[/color] He shook his head, unable to find the words. A splitting headache began to chip away at the side of his skull, and for a moment her face seemed to shift—blue eyes turning green, her tanned skin paling. Octavia? Uncomfortably, he shifted out from beneath her and sat on the edge of the bed. [color=337d71]“No, I- there’s more to this. The people…”[/color] From behind, she gently grabbed his arm and hugged it to her body, resting her head against his shoulder. [color=DBA73D]“I love you.”[/color] [color=337d71]“Ny- Octavia, I know, I just-”[/color] A fiery pain rushed through his arm without warning, and he recoiled, turning to look at the woman behind him. She had disappeared into thin air. Looking down at his arm, a two-headed black serpent wrapped around his forearm, fangs bared after having just bitten him. Flynn jumped to his feet and flung the snake from his arm onto the bed. [color=337d71]“What the fuck!”[/color] He took a few steps away from the creature and looked down at his arm, fresh with puncture wounds. [color=E5E5E5]“it… isss… time.”[/color] Flynn’s eyes snapped back up to the serpent on the bed, its gold and blue eyes staring back at him. Did that snake just speak? His heart began to race, making him breathless. He looked back down at his arm, blood beginning to leak from the wound. [color=E5E5E5]“get up.”[/color] the one with golden eyes hissed while the other bared its fangs, ready to strike again. [color=337d71]“What?!”[/color] His began to tingle until he could no longer feel it, his ears ringing from the incessant headache. His heartbeat faster, causing him to sweat. The creature had poisoned him! Was it lethal? [color=FFFDD0]“We all have responsibilities, dear.”[/color] Flynn found his mother standing in the doorway, looking at him with a look of pity. [/i][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nOxB0ne.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table] [hr][hr][/center] Flynn’s eyes snapped open, his heart pounding and sweat beading on his forehead. He sat up in bed, took a deep breath, and tossed the blankets off his body. What the hell had he just dreamt? The stress of everything was clearly getting to him. Rubbing his temple, Flynn glanced out the window to see if he could tell what time it was. Without being able to see where the moon was in the sky, it was difficult to say, but he could feel that the hour was early nonetheless. He took a moment to steady his heart before lying back down, glancing at the empty bed beside him. Thoughts of Nyla and Octavia filled his mind. After twenty minutes of trying to fall back asleep, frustration set in. Deciding it was time to start his day, Flynn threw on [url=https://i.imgur.com/xBmp0VB.jpg] something simple[/url] and quietly left his bedroom. The house was silent, aside from the occasional creak in the floorboards as he descended the stairs. Sunni was fast asleep on the couch, and he imagined Octavia was asleep in her own bed chambers as well. He wished his mind would have been so kind as to let him sleep just a bit longer. Eager to get some alone time and clear his mind, Flynn exited out the front door as quietly as he possibly could. The brisk air against his skin woke him up further, but it felt refreshing. Without a proper training ground, he couldn’t spar to clear his mind as usual, so he decided to go for a run around the lake instead. Once he was far enough from the cabin, Flynn began to jog, catching the eyes of the knights who had been standing guard all night. He nodded to them as they bowed and greeted him good morning, though such a greeting often felt odd when the sun refused to rise. Pushing his legs to carry him faster, Flynn jogged towards the lake. [hr] An hour later, Flynn returned to his home to see that bright candle lights shined through the window of the kitchen. Opening the door, he was greeted by a beautiful aroma of breakfast being made just around the corner. Perfect timing, he was starving! Curious if Octavia had woken up feeling better and wanting to cook, Flynn headed straight for the kitchen, sweaty clothing and all. [color=337d71]“Goodmorning, Sunni.”[/color] He greeted, watching his redheaded friend set the table. Unfortunately it was not his wife having suddenly become a ray of sunshine, but at least he knew Sunni to be a great cook. [color=337d71]“What's cooking? Smells delicious.”[/color] [hr] [Sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Sunni [@The Savant][/sub]