[center] [hr] [hr] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LmEwNTlmYS5UR1Z1WVEsLC4x/janda-celebration-script.regular.webp[/img] [hr] [hr] [color=808080] “You aren’t scared of the dark are yo-“ A jest half finished, the sickening thud as Larien’s body hit the ground before they could even react. A headless corpse trapped to the reins of the horse as it reared back trampling the body underneath it in it’s panic. Lena wasn’t sure who screamed first, it sounded so foreign, like it was far away yet all around her. The shadow shimmered as if laughing, Mallory reached out toward them bent over her own horse the bright red of blood blossoming like a flower as she desperately tried to hold her insides in place….[/color] The screams died in Lena’s throat before she could make them, too hoarse and cracked, pain like lightning crackled behind her eyes as a headache threatened to form. It was always the same nightmare, no matter what she tried to keep from dreaming. The crash of a glass as she reached out for the cup of water, succeeding in only extending her discomfort. A flurry of colorful words spilling from her lips as she pressed her palms into her eyes trying to steady herself. Memories she’d rather forget and the smell of blood clouding her sense, a small reprieve as her brain tried to sort itself out. She didn’t remember drinking enough to feel this poorly, a strange nagging sensation that she didn’t entirely remember how she got home or what happened last night. Images of wine, the hot springs, and feathers? Furrowed brows questioning the image of wings and the feeling of wanting to touch them. [i]Why couldn’t she remember anything else?[/i] A small growl of frustration as she swiped her curls out of her face, deft hands tying them back in a loose braid. Never one to sit still long, needing to do something besides drive herself mad with what she couldn’t and wished she could forget, she pushed herself out of bed training her only thought on find food and a good decent cup of coffee. The rest she would sort out later. Even for early morning the wind was all too eager to bite at her exposed face, tugging at her scarf in response covering up her nose and mouth. Haggard blue eyes glaring out from under her hood as she stalked her way through the streets, rubbing her hands on her pants as if to get the feeling of blood off them. There had been a point she would spend every morning scrubbing them raw, a few lingering scars was all she gained for her efforts to banish the sensation and memories. Beyond a quick nod here and there in passing greeting Lena was glad that she hadn’t run into anyone she knew, glad that the walk to the inn was uneventful until the crunch of parchment under her boot caught her attention. A cursory glance around shown the same paper nailed to almost anything one would conceive as a door. Someone was a little too eager with their assignment. [color=#A059FA][i]’A town meeting? With everyone?’[/i][/color] Flipping the page over to see if anything was written on the back. The message was short but raised so many questions. She knew he was kind and all too eager to help but did Princeling intend to just let anyone air out their concerns? What could be so important that they needed everyone present? A brief thought of this entire project being disbanded and them telling everyone to leave crossed her mind, it wouldn’t be too far fetched. As far as she knew they had no priest, no proclamation of an heir, and it was well known that neither of the kingdoms truly supported this endeavor in the first place. Blue eyes turning upwards to try and place the moon so she might guess the time. Maybe she should get a beer instead of a coffee if this was how today was shaping up already. [hr] [hr] [hr] [h3][color=E472D8][i][s]Isabella[/s][/i][/color][/h3] [hr] [color=808080] -At The Lake-[/color] The changing of guards, the rising of smoke. It was by these events that she kept time. [color=#E472D8][i]Four times a day. That makes it every six hours.[/i][/color] She wondered if they were the same guards everyday. She wondered a lot of things. What were there names, when did they get here, what day was it. Feeling bold this morning she hovered near the edge of the lake behind the large structure she recognized as a temple to the Moon Maiden. The high spires, cathedral windows and large center dome she knew all too well. Her parents had been devoted, another place to show her off and being showered with praise. Truthfully Isabella could recite the hymns and prayers better than most of the initiate chaplains of Seluna’s faithful. A skill she used to be so proud of is now useless, the fish didn’t care for such sermons. Perched halfway out onto a rock, she watched the shoreline. For what she never knew, for someone to notice her, for something new to come her way? Anything to keep the days from spilling into each other, at this rate she worried she might forget how to talk. The fish never talked back, she talked to them, they made good snacks when she got bored but such poor company. They simply stared at her no matter what she said, as if they would ever be shocked enough to talk back. Isabella also did not know what she would do if they ever decided to talk back. Perhaps at that point she would write herself off as crazy all together, maybe then she would talk to the next person who came near her. The fluttering of paper caught her attention, pulling her out of her own revelry of rather the fish would talk or not, a flash of pink and a splash as she dove desperately to reach the page before the water claimed it. A small triumphant shout as she managed to snag it before it hit the surface, greedy eyes eagerly scanning the page. Flynn and Octavia. So they were the ones in charge. A town meeting? How fascinating! What would they talk about? Would everyone actually show up? A million questions bubbling up inside her in excitement, the thought that she would have no way to get close enough failing to put a damper on her spirits that this was something new. So wrapped up in her own world she nearly missed the sound of approaching footprints, both her and the paper disappearing under the surface as she watched the man approached. [color=e472d8][i]’Oh! It’s him again. He’s here early. No one is usually out this way this early. He seems upset.’[/i][/color] She had never once spoken to the blonde man, but felt like she knew him. They played catch a few times, he wasn’t very good at it but not everyone was perfect at everything. She didn’t hold it against him, even more seeing most of the time he looked sad, and stressed. Isabella and the fishes had a bet that it was probably over a girl. Waiting til he had left she popped back up happy to continue reading the paper to realize it had been ruined, the ink blotching the page. Mopping she flopped backwards letting herself float for a moment on the water's surface enjoying the soft ripples around her. The first news she had gotten in a while and she just as quickly ruined it. A soft sigh and a turn of her torso saw the woman disappear back into the depths. As much as she would like to stay above the surface she didn’t dare, the thought of suffocation dissuading her far less then her once flawless dress was now tattered and frayed, parts of it disintegrating already. How unsightly she must be. [/center]