[color=f49ac2][center][h1]Gematria[/h1][/center][/color] [hr][hr] Gematria happily bounced in the air, overjoyed to finally meet her hero. Just as she was about to recount the events that led to her admiration of Stray, he was quick to tell Gematria about his plans to abandon the scavenger hunt entirely. "[color=f49ac2]O-oh...[/color]" Gematria said, slightly disappointed. She wanted to use this chance to learn more about the guy and study his magic. Then she thought of a way she could turn this into another opportunity. "[color=f49ac2]Well, um, maybe we can take this to... get to know one another? I-I've always wanted to hear some advice from an experienced hero, like-like you,[/color]" Gematria stuttered, silently cursing herself for her weak communication skills. But perhaps fortunately, it seemed Stray had stopped paying attention to her, having noticed some commotion going on at the beach they had first gathered for the orientation. Gematria nodded and leapt into the air, catching herself by grabbing onto Stray's shoulders and holding on for dear life. When they got back to the original meeting spot, Gematria was shocked to see what was unfolding. A few others had also returned and were currently engaging with two unknown assailants. At first, Gematria thought, even hoped, that this was just another exercise prepared for the orientation. However, the sight of Emily unconscious on the ground cleared away any doubt that this was a real villain attack. Unfortunately for Gematria, she had neglected to install actual weapons into the figure. Gematria froze, unsure of what to do in order to fend off Jellyfish and Albino. When Jellyfish began his electric lightshow, however, Gematria had an idea and responded to Stray, "[color=f49ac2]Don't worry, Stray, I have an idea. Just distract them for a minute.[/color]" Gematria dropped down to the ground and transformed her body, shrinking her figure to its minimum 4 inch size. Then she boosted along the ground in a wide curve, going around the area of conflict in an attempt to remain unnoticed. Fortunately, with the altercation now focusing on Eva and Albino, that didn't seem to be too hard. Once she was close enough, Gematria blasted herself into the air, reverting back into her original 12-inch size and attempting to land on Jellyfish's head or whatever it was. "Absorbing voltage," Gematria announced as she began to absorb the electricity that flowed out of Jellyfish's tendrils and into the G.E.M. figure and herself, attempting to take as much as she could to try to render Jellyfish helpless. If he attempted to resist, she would use the energy she stole and attempt to zap Jellyfish back with a discharge of his own power.