[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/Eazar2W.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240522/49791553b35fa05b88864f9127dc2df9.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: The Alchemy Chambers[/sub][/cell][/row][/table] “[color=75a48b][b]Eris![/b] Are you awake?![/color]” Eris jolted awake from a deep sleep, as if resurrected from the dead against her will. Sitting up in bed, her heart pounding, she looked around the room in a panic. What was that?! Had she just imagined that voice? Where had it come from? She placed a hand against her chest, feeling the panicked beat of her heart. Her brunette hair a curly mess from sleeping on it wet after the hot springs, she ran a hand through it to smooth it out and sighed. Stress was clearly taking its toll. Was she now imagining people in distress?! “[color=75a48b]I had an accident this morning happen![/color]” Her eyes widened in shock—she hadn’t imagined it! Frantically throwing off her blankets, Eris hopped out of bed and rushed out of her bedroom on the second floor. Wearing only [url=https://i.imgur.com/vIBlyGU.jpg]her green silk nightgown[/url], she hurried down the stairs towards the front door without a second about her appearance. On her way to the door she stepped on the hem of her gown and nearly tumbled face first down the stairs, but managed to catch herself on the railing just in time. Picking up her gown a few inches from the floor, she hurried forward. She had to hurry, someone needed her help! Finally reaching the door, she flung it open. [color=B1E4FC]“Taru!”[/color] She stepped back, holding the door wide to let him in from the cold air that nipped at her skin. Though she hadn't known the man long, most people in town with steeds knew of him and his odd little critter friend. Eris, at the very least, was glad not to see a blight-born at her door so early in the morning. With her attention so focused on Taru, Eris failed to see the parchment paper that had been tacked to her door. [color=B1E4FC]“Are you okay?”[/color] she asked, noticing the fabric bunched in his hand, stained with blood. She frowned in concern, taking a brief glance at the peculiar squirrel who chittered on his shoulder, seemingly skeptical of Eris. [color=B1E4FC]“May I?”[/color] she asked, slowly reaching for his hand so that she could remove the fabric and inspect the wound, keeping in mind the critter on his shoulder. Taking his rough hand in her soft ones, Eris closely examined the injury. For a moment, she thought about using her magic to heal his wound straight away, but her experience from the previous day made her pause. It was probably best to conserve her magic for something like this. Releasing his hand, Eris gestured for him to follow her deeper into the alchemy chambers. [color=B1E4FC]“This way, please.”[/color] She led him to a back room on the first floor, filled with potions, herbs, and books from floor to ceiling. [color=B1E4FC]“Have a seat.”[/color] she instructed, pointing to a small round table in the corner. Knowing exactly where to find what she needed, Eris quickly grabbed a mortar and pestle and selected a few yarrow and plantain leaves from an organized drawer of herbs. With barely a wave of her fingers over the small bowl, an orb of water formed in the air and dropped into the bowl as she began grinding the herbs into a paste. [color=B1E4FC]“It doesn’t look too deep. That’s good.”[/color] She smiled, casually working away in her nightgown as she met his gaze from across the room. [color=B1E4FC]"This paste will fix you up in a day or two."[/color] She glanced down at the herbs, putting a bit more muscle into her grinding technique. [color=B1E4FC]"What happened?"[/color] [hr] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Taru [@The Savant][/sub]