The Morrigan ignored the madness as Mal made a comment towards Huggin. She could even hear a faint caw of protest from her sweet Raven as he went flying through the tunnels to perform her tasks. She just gave a small huff and a shake of her head, keeping her eyes on the lines below her as she worked. However, when he thanked her, she paused her motions to look at him. She contemplated a moment before giving a small shrug of her shoulders, a small smile crossing her face. “Morrigan,” she said before she peered up at him from under her lashes for a moment before returning back to work, “We are known as The Morrigan but you may call us Morrigan and please, don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you.” the circle was finally coming to a finish when her pace slowed to almost a stop. Like a pulse of her heart, she could feel the call of the land on her soul. Her eyes dulled, her movements having slowed to a snail’s pace. If one were able to peer behind those eyes and see within, they would see a meeting taking place. The three women stood in a circle, each facing each other. The regal third had her arms crossed over her chest. “We cannot ignore the call. Blood has been spilled.” “Blood spills every day,” the feathered third said with a scowl. “This is no different. Just because it's a little more blood than we'd like, it's still just a vampire. They probably pissed off another vampire and are learning a serious lesson.” The motherly third remained silent as she listened to the two bickering. “We long ago make it a law that this much blood would not be allowed to be spilled in our territory. It is why she calls to us now. Our law is being broken.” The feathered one threw her arms in the air. “Oh no you don't! I'm already reviving this girl. We'll deal with this later. A vampire can lose that much blood. They aren't going to die. We can figure it out after all this is done. This teleportation ring is going back home and that final.” The regal thirds looked appalled to have been spoken to like that and she uncrossed her arms, getting ready to yell at the feathered one, but before she could, the motherly third stepped between the two of them and rested a hand on both shoulders. “Badb,” she said as she looked to the feathered third, “perhaps you should wrangle in your temper and not speak to her like that. You know it gets us nowhere.” And then looked to the regal one, “Macha, a vampire will survive this much blood loss. It's noted and we'll get to the bottom of it, I promise but right now we need to focus on the task at hand. Huggin will be gathering our things and be waiting on us. Once we handle this woman, we can seek out whoever broke our rules and make sure it doesn't happen again, yes?” She looked from one to the other and both thirds sighed and relaxed their aggressive stances. “Fine,” the feathered third said as the regal one spoke, “Very well.” “Good,” the mother third said as she pulled her hands off her sister's shoulders and clapped them together. “Let's finish this up.” Back on the outside, her eyes brightened once more and she gave her head a small shake. She continued her little dance and with one more step, the circle was completed. The circle glowed brightly, flashing for a moment before condensing down to a blinding white sigil on the ground. “There,” she said as she took one more look at the completed design. She gave it a small sweep of her eyes for any little hiccups but the circle looked perfect. So with a grunt of acceptance, she lowered the corpse on the circle. “Time to go.” She said as she stepped into the circle as well, her cloak bellowing out behind her. The magic from the circle was almost electric as she stepped into it. It caused her skin to tingle. Teleportation magic was no simple spell. The sheer amount of magic in that small circle could power a large home for a month. Her cloak melted into black liquid that flowed around the circle as she turned to face Mal. “Any time now.” They had more things to handle. The vampire was obviously being tormented and that was a break of the laws she had set. Even if the vampire wouldn't die, the sheer amount of blood he was losing now, it was torture plain and simple. The only person allowed to torture anyone was her. A small smile crossing her face as she thought of the torment she could put the rulebreaker through. There would be punishment for sure. As Mal stepped into the circle and her magic began to condense around them to teleport them back to her office, there was a pulse in her chest. Something was happening. Her eyes dulled once more as the black magic began to condense around them. “NOoo-,” was all that could be heard as the magic condensed and the spell began to do it's work. Just before it sent them to its destination, there was another powerful pulse. Fire and screams. In that time between seconds, just as the transportation magic took effect, the body split. Three cries of pain called out as they vanished. Four bodies came crashing down onto the ground in Morrigan's office. One was the corse that laid in a heap on the ground and another was Mal. The other two were the feathered third and the motherly one. The regal side was missing completely. Both thirds seemed to be in a bad state. The motherly one was on her side away from the group, unmoving and with a trickle of blood coming from her nose. The feathered one was on all fours with an arm around her midsection. Her feathers were flared out in rage and pain as she cursed loudly. She too had a nose blood that flowed down her lips and dripped off her chin. “Damnit, Macha!” She cursed as she tried to crawl towards the circle as if to restart the magic but she didn't get far before her vision wavered and she collapsed to her side. “Damnit,” she groaned. As for Macha, she did not mean to cause the spell to go awry. The land called for her in that moment so strongly, she had to answer it. She had not meant for it to be just at the moment but the moment the screams began, the land pulled her away. With a low crack, the regal third appeared directly behind James and the screaming vampire. She was on one knee, her body quaking fiercely as she tried to keep herself up. Her eyes were closed and she reached up with her hand to feel blood coming from her nose. She was so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She knew better than to mess with such a powerful spell. She knew it and yet like a dog pulled on a leash, she allowed the land to rip her away from her sisters as easily as that. Stupid. She took a slow look around, the sounds of screams entering her ears. The dancing flames flickered along her face as she stared at the back of the man in front of her. Her instincts told her to run but her senses told her this man was human. What could a human hope to do against her? Weakened or not? She used the back of her hand to wipe her face of blood before trying to stand to her full height, somehow managing it by pulling some strength from the ground below her barefoot. “You have broken my laws,” she said, trying to keep her voice as steady as she could, “Explain yourself mortal."