[center][h1][b][color=purple]Pia[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Pia had heard everything she needed to from the man in the cell. She couldn't immediately make sense of all of his words regarding darkness, but she could understand enough that what was about to happen had already happened once and they hadn't been expected to survive it the first time. She had also learned that the scientists were indeed the ones who'd been stealing their memories. Pia didn't have it in her to be patient or polite. Fear was giving way to fury. She was exhausted and anxious and just wanted the never-ending converyor belt of horrible things to stop. But more than that, she wanted some clear answers and explainations. Pia stormed away from A and the man in the cell, down the corridor. She caught up with D, VV and the scientist. She unfortunately missed the part where the scientist told them that they'd be ceasing the memory wipes. She arrived just in time, however,to hear his spiel about all the awful things thus far being fuel for their project, and the promise of more to come. Pia was silent. She did not trust herself to open her mouth. Like D, she was angry, but far from being a violent rage, her mental state was more frayed and delicate. One wrong sentence could set off a bout of hysteria. Her eyes were both piercing and desperate. All she wanted to hear, was good news. Something. Anything.