[center] [img] https://i.ibb.co/z6KmDsm/arachne.png [/img] [/center] [hr] [quote=@Randomguy] [color=39b54a]"My wish is not one that can be achieved without the grail. However...I swear that should it be corrupted by evil, my first priority will be to cleanse it, or if impossible, to destroy it."[/color] Though, truthfully, Gajah Mada had no idea how to even begin destroying the grail should it come to that. She did have an anti-fortress Noble Phantasm, but smashing a corrupted wish-granter with reckless abandon did not seem to be the wisest course of action. Hopefully, her Master of some of the other magi could come up with something. She continued, [color=39b54a]"That is all I will say on that matter. I am under no obligation to reveal the details of my wish at the risk of outing my true name. My inquiry was merely about your intention with a corrupted grail. That you went and described your own wish in such detail was done on your own accord. We have no such agreement in place. Unless, of course, you wish to make that a prerequisite to secure your cooperation?"[/color] [/quote] The Caster gave the idea a thought, exchanging names is not that horrible of an idea considering the requirements of her Noble Phantasm, it is also a good way to garner goodwill before everyone. But there is no way she is going to agree to it, does that demi-goddess of a barbarian think she could control her? Sorry girl she hasn't lost her marbles yet. [color=ec008c][b]“Tempting but no, I'll figure it out regardless, princess.”[/b][/color] she declared as she descended before everyone, arrogance was barely concealed in her face. Not because she can deal with the alliance she joined but because she trusts them enough to not kill her. You could say that it was her twisted idea of trust. She looked at Saber one more time, inspecting the divinity flowing on her. [b][color=ec008c]It was disgusting, for someone to be revered through nothing but lineage.[/color][/b] [quote=@GubGar] [b][color=fff79a]"Er.. my wish. Well, I am no living man. It seems unfair that my wish would come before that of my Master's. But if I were to claim the wish as my own.. Well, it's a bit selfish. Not befitting of a King of Poland such as myself. I'm rather embarrassed to say. But I have no hidden True Name to worry about, so I suppose-"[/color][/b] Before he could reveal his goal, an announcement of sorts was transmitted by thought to (presumably) all competitors. Jan gives a firm nod to Saber. [b][color=fff79a]"Indeed, it seems the Grail's corruption has made its move. On the first day no less.. I will of course ride in to battle to meet it, as any proper Knight ought to. But I mislike how bold these corruptive forces are being.. To take to the field so early in a skirmish speaks of confident or desperation. Both of which are dangerous for us."[/color][/b] [/quote] Caster let out a pang of sympathy despite hearing the announcement from the grail, she had an idea of what he’s about to say but kept it to herself. If she was right however, she thinks it was a worthy wish before the Grail. [color=ec008c][b]“I’ll go with you.”[/b][/color] she declared as looked at his mount a very decorated scooter, that screams war to anything that looks at it. She admits that it is a very amusing mount and one that she didn't expect from a cavalryman such as Rider. Shielder's motorcycle was more fitting to be honest. Still no, orders from his master? Well she'll do whatever she wants then.