[color=92278f][b]Cristina[/b][/color] The freelancer allowed herself to slightly lose composure, she admittedly messed up and got involved in a friendly fire. She was definitely would pay for it one day, maybe a little closer than she would wish. But for now, after taxing the limits of her Noble Arms twice in a row, she was too tired to care for trivial details. She could leave now, she was too tired, her presence might cause conflict to the unexpected alliance. She knew everyone will understand if a bit disappointed if she went through. [color=92278f][i]"Are you going to run again."[/i][/color] her voice echoed in her head as she tries to leave. Was that a... ...yeah they still need her, she couldn't run just yet. She moved to a nearby balcony with her bloodied Noble Arm as her crutch, she was stretching her limits but her enemies felt they never lost numbers. Seeing the futility of trying to call upon her domain for the third time in the row, the blood soaked girl resorted to throwing as many [Shooting Stars] as she could to the drones and whatever stuff her enemies will throw. It was a mindless, yet enormous bombardment a lone stars final yell in this very long night. She didn't know many attacks she threw or what happened soon after, all she knew was she gave her all until she lost consciousness. It wouldn't be enough for her sister to forgive her but she hopes it could be a start.