[b][i]Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya[/i][/b] Lorenzo turned towards Caster as she left and said, [b]"I know who you are, and to be honest with you, you [i]did[/i] legitimately beat Athena herself and her behavior was unbecoming of someone of her 'Wisdom'. I admire you for that greatly, but not enough to refrain from outing you."[/b] He then gripped the hilt of his sword and said, [b]"Now, [i]please stay away from my Saber[/i]."[/b] [b][i]Oleg-Marie Animusphere[/i][/b] [i]Give me a bit,[/i] Oleg said to Puss before he spoke to Kayneth's Familiar, [b]"So, umm, giving your Rider any orders, Lord-El Melloi?"[/b] Then he heard Lorenzo call Saber 'my Saber'. and jealousy flared inside him as he exclaimed, in his head, [i]Puss! Make sure they don't get together - Wait, what am I saying, she'll just get desummoned - Make sure she does not wish for anything that would allow her to linger in this world or romance anyone from beyond her grave![/i] [@GOATPlumber][@ManyThings][@Digmata] [b][i]Constantine XI Shielder Lily[/i][/b] [hider=Boy on a Motorbike][img]https://i.imgur.com/brnQluU.jpeg[/img][/hider] Constantine went back to his motorbike, waiting for the signal to go, scrupulously ignoring the confrontation between Lorenzo and Caster. Why can't things be simple... [@GubGar][@Randomguy][@Double D]