[Center][h2][color=khaki]Jørmund[/color][/h2][/center] [Color=khaki]"Not sell, give. The imp implied these were gifts and for us and the people of your village."[/color] Jørmund said while still looking down the road and leading the horses. He had not expected his suggestion to have been as well received by Mar'a'gan and was now regretting opening his mouth. [Color=khaki]"I suggested what I did expecting them to turn down the idea. I did not expect them to think it was a good idea for them. I do apologize for my suggestion possibly bringing misfortune to your home, little good my apologie may be. All I can do now is help resolve what ever is bringing this cold so they will not need those furs from that twice cursed devil."[/color] He shift the weight of his mail some to keep the cold steel off of the areas where the gambeson and undershirt did not cover his skin. They would need to work fast before it got colder and possibly brought snow. Jørmund wasn't sure how cold it normally got down here, but back home early snows could often be detrimental to harvest and cause even more problems for the unprepared.